Building a Resilient Judicial System

Authors: Jay L. Batongbacal, JJ Disini, Michelle Esquivias, Dante Gatmaytan, Oliver Xavier A. Reyes, and Theodore Te (20 minutes reading time, 6,487 words) In this paper, professors of the UP College of Law recommend an implementation framework for temporary alternative court procedures to facilitate the prompt resumption of court proceedings despite the health risks posed by the COVID-19 emergency. This is in recognition of the effects of the pandemic to the judicial system, including its consequences on the efficient operation of the courts to its general impact on the rule of law. The authors formulate short-term, medium-term, and long-term approaches to…

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#UPLawHelps Volunteers Passed the Bar Exams

Our #UPLawHelps volunteers from UP Law Class of 2019 passed the 2019 bar examination (results announced on 29 April 2020). Congratulations, attorneys!   1. Sarah S. Atienza 2. Eliza Pauline R. Batac 3. Eljay M. Bernardo 4. Marx Erson R. Bulosan 5. Kimberly D. Dela Cruz 6. Michelle Anne P. Esquivias 7. Katrina Mae C. Santos 8. Christine Faith M. Tango 9. Aivan Charles A. Torres   _ Read the Dean's message for all UP Law bar passers here: Message of the UP Law Dean on the Release of the Bar Results _

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Message of the UP Law Dean on the Release of the Bar Results

Masalimuot ang panahon nang dahil sa isang salot na bumabagabag sa lipunan. Nguni’t hindi tayo hihingi ng paumanhin sa ating galak na nadarama. May karagdagang isang daan at apatnapu’t isang abogado mula sa UP College of Law ang ngayo’y nakahanda nang ipagpatuloy ang tradisyon ng paglilingkod at pagtataguyod sa pantay-pantay na pagpapairal ng batas.

To our bar passers, remember the rule of law. Alalahaning ikaw’y naiiba sapagkat ikaw’y iskolar ng bayan at may pananagutan sa bayang tumustos ng iyong pag-aaral.


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West Philippine Sea woes in the time of COVID-19

Professor Jay Batongbacal has been the ‘go to’ maritime law expert, along with retired Supreme Court Justice Carpio, in raising public awareness of developments in the West Philippine Sea. In the week of 20-24 April 2020, media carried reports of China’s continuing encroachment in the Spratleys and the Paracels notwithstanding the global preoccupation with the COVID-19 pandemic.

The two concerns raised in the past week were the building of mental health stations on occupied islands and reefs in the West Philippine Sea and “China’s creation of [two] new administrative districts” in the Paracels and Spratly Islands Dr. Batongbacal warned that “Absence of protests on the part of other countries, especially those directly affected, will be seen as acquiescence or recognition of the exercise of such control as valid.”


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Dean Fides Cordero-Tan: UP Law Helps Online Legal Assistance Goes Live Monday, 20 April

I am pleased to announce that on Monday, April 20, 2020, at 8:00 in the morning, #UPLawHelps will go live. This is an online legal assistance platform conceptualized and designed to handle requests for legal assistance, legal advice and education, and if necessary, legal representation for issues arising from the implementation of the Enhanced Community Quarantine. You may access UPLawHelps through this portal: or directly email us at #UPLawHelps brings together the commitment, passion, expertise, resources, and networks of the entire UP Law Community — faculty, REPS, staff, students, and alumni (with a lot of friends and allies joining …

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UP Law Stetson Team Prevails in Live Online Moot Competition

  The UP Law Stetson Team made it to the Quarterfinals in the International Rounds of the 24th Annual Stetson International Environmental Moot Court Competition! This is the first time that UP Law has competed in a live online moot court competition. The team likewise had the best-ranked speakers during the three-day tournament. Urania Estrellita Lindo was recognized as the Best Oralist of the Preliminary Rounds while Beatriz Anna Balbacal was awarded 3rd Best Oralist of the Preliminary Rounds.   Due to unique circumstances, the International Rounds were held exclusively via video conferencing for the first time. The competition is…

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