Since its establishment in 1911, the University of the Philippines College of Law has produced thousands of graduates who have influenced the nation. From these graduates have risen notable figures who have molded the country as Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Senate Presidents and Senators, Speakers of the House and members of Congress, Chief Justices and Associates Justices of the Supreme Court, Cabinet Secretaries, academicians, leaders, and advocates in the different areas of the legal profession.
The UP College of Law Alumni Relations is dedicated to maintaining the vital connection between the College and its alumni by providing updates on current events concerning Malcolm Hall, alumni gatherings, and other activities. The Office aims to build camaraderie among graduates from different batches to strengthen the unity among UP Law alumni in the Philippines and in different parts of the world.
By tradition, UP Law alumni who are celebrating their silver jubilee, or 25th year, after graduation, hold two activities, with the assistance of the Alumni Office. These are the Malcolm Cup Golf Tournament and the UP Law Grand Alumni Homecoming, which is attended by approximately 600 alumni, in any given year.
For alumni concerns, feel free to contact or to visit the UP Law Alumni Office any time during office hours.

Contact Information
Alumni Relations Office (ARO)
Room 119, Malcolm Hall, Roxas Avenue
UP Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Philippines
Phone: (+632) 8 920 5514 loc. 113