IHR holds training: “Strengthening Support for RPRH Law Implementation”
Event Report: UP Institute of Human Rights holds “Strengthening Support for RPRH Law Implementation: Training of Legal Advocates”
The Institute of Human Rights, in cooperation with the Population Commission, conducted a three-day seminar last April 4 to 6, 2018 entitled “Strengthening Support for RPRH Law Implementation: Training of Legal Advocates.”
This seminar aimed to capacitate legal advocates on defending the full implementation of the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law (RPRH Law) through building their knowledge and skills on the RPRH Law and other relevant statutes, on clarifying misconceptions on the interpretation of the law particularly for LGU implementers, and on providing legal remedies for implementers of RPRH Law being question and harassed by anti-RH Groups. The seminar also aimed to provide guidance and support to the Legal Support Team in dealing with legal barriers posed against the full implementation of the RPRH Law.