Martial Law Revisionism and the Fight for History

Never again. Never forget. Martial Law Revisionism and the Fight for History UP IHR releases photo album of human rights atrocities during martial law. Remembering the 48th anniversary of the declaration of Martial Law in the country by the Dictator Ferdinand Marcos, the UP Institute of Human Rights published on 21 September 2020 a photo album showing the various human rights atrocities committed during the period. With the theme, "Martial Law Revisionism and the Fight for History," the album displayed photos and stories from the Human Rights Victims' Memorial Claims Board, Bantayog ng mga Bayani, and the Martial Law Chronicles…

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Constitutional Revolutions: A Paradox or Reality?

Everyone is invited to join the Online Lecture on "Constitutional Revolutions: A Paradox or Reality?" September 21, 2020, 3:00 pm. By Prof. Yaniv Roznai Harry Radzyner Law School, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, Israel Interested participants may register at:        

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UPLC’s Paralegal Training Program 19 Virtual Closing Ceremony

PTP19 turned PTPCOVID19 has successfully completed UPLC's Paralegal Training Program In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic and after an extended training period of six (6) months  from February 8, 2020 to August 31, 2020  (an extension of almost 4  months from its original closing date of April 25, 2020), and under the “new normal” of conducting the program with a blended learning platform (a combination of face-to-face/ traditional learning platform  and internet-assisted/ online learning platform), the 19th Foundation Course of the Paralegal Training Program (PTP19) has been completed. It is the first and pioneering training to be conducted by UPLC in…

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2020 “After Jessup” International Moot Court Champions

The UP College of Law Jessup Team wins the 2020 ‘After Jessup’ International Moot Court Competition. The team was crowned International Champions after defeating the South African Team in the finals. The virtual tournament was organized by the International Association of Law Schools, in cooperation with the International Law Students Association, to afford the best qualifying Jessup teams around the world an opportunity to compete internationally amid the Covid-19 pandemic. This international competition was participated in by other Jessup national champion teams from different regions of the world. The team is composed of Team Captain Leslie Diane Torres, Abelardo Hernandez,…

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UPLC Bookroom Purchase Procedure

New Normal: UP Law Center Bookroom Purchase Procedure To Our Valued Customers,   Please be informed that you can now purchase UP Law Center publications thru in-person/walk-in and email. If you wish to purchase our books and journals, please refer to the purchase procedure below: In-person purchase: Proceed to UP Law Center Book Room (1st Floor, Bocobo Hall)   Purchase thru email: Download a softcopy of the Order Form through this link: Fill in the requested information on the Order Form (MS Excel). Indicate the number of copies of your desired title/s in the quantity column. Email the accomplished…

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#InReClassof2020: UP Law’s first interactive recognition rites

UP College of Law presents the very first interactive recognition rites in its virtual Malcolm Hall #IRRC2020 The University of the Philippines College of Law gave its recent graduates a unique and interactive experience by launching the "Interactive Recognition Rites of the Class of 2020" (In Re: Class of 2020), with the theme “Agiwa’na 2020,” on August 28, 2020 (Friday) at 3:00 p.m. via its official website. Live Zoom socials followed shortly and ended at 7:00pm, with several members of faculty cheering for the recent graduates. During this year’s online recognition rites, UP Law welcomed back to Malcolm Hall one…

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