Law Center Launches National Moot Court Training

The UP Law Center Institute of International Legal Studies and UP Law Debate and Moot Court Union (LDMU) launched a National Moot Court Training Series in Father Saturnino Urios University, Butuan City, Agusan del Norte, last September 7-8, 2019. The program aims to develop novice moot court participantsfrom all over the country and inspire interest in competitive mooting as a tool for learning international law and critical legal skills. In the weeks leading to the workshop, participants were grouped and given first-hand experience in legal research and memorial writing based on a moot court problem brought before the International Court of…

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State of the Filipino family: realities on the ground

State of the Filipino family: realities on the ground Professor Elizabeth Aguiling-Pangalangan appeared before the Supreme Court as amicus curae during oral arguments on the legal distinction between illegitimate and legitimate children. She served as expert witness along with Ateneo Law School Dean Cynthia del Castillo on 3 September when both argued for the striking down of Article 992 of the Civil Code as unconstitutional. Prof. Aguiling-Pangalangan, who teaches Persons and Family Relations, cited PSA data of 2017, that records 907,061 (53.3%) of live births as born out of wedlock, indicating more illegitimate children born in the country than legitimate…

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“Mayor, mayor, dapat ka bang palayain na?”

“Mayor, mayor, dapat ka bang palayain na?” – discussions on the Good Conduct Time Allowance Law and Mayor Sanchez’ impending release. News of Mayor Sanchez’ impending release from prison shook the country; reliving the collective dread Filipinos felt for the rape-slay of UPLB students Eileen Sarmenta and murder Allan Gomez more than twenty (20) years ago. On 30 August 2018, the UP College of Law held the faculty discussion “Mayor, Mayor, dapat ka bang palayain na?” – a spirited balitaktakan on the merits and application of the Good Conduct Time Allowance Law (“GCTA Law”) as part of the Coffe Break…

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What is Law?: How to study and why it matters how you study

What is Law?: How to study and why it matters how you study On August 10, 2019, a rainy Saturday afternoon, the UP College of Law hosted a kapihan session entitled “What is Law: How to study and why it matters how you study”. It’s guest of honor and speaker was Supreme Court Associate Justice Mario Victor F. Leonen who is also a former dean of the college. “You cannot be a revolutionary if you are not a master of Law” began Justice Leonen’s discussion. He emphasized that UP lawyers must know the law well enough to see its interstices…

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UP Law Prof Elected at the HCCH Special Commission

Professor Elizabeth Aguiling-Pangalangan elected vice chair of Special Commission on Recognition of Foreign Judgments UP Law Professor Elizabeth Aguiling-Pangalangan was elected as one of the Vice Chairs of the Special Commission on Recognition of Foreign Judgments during the 22nd Diplomatic Session of the Hague Conference of Private International Law (HCCH) at the Peace Palace in the Hague, Netherlands from 18 June to 2 July 2019. The Diplomatic Session was attended by close to 400 members and observers. Prof. Aguiling-Pangalangan, who also serves as the Director of the UP Law Center Institute of Human Rights, was part of the Philippine delegation…

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Conversations with Robert Swift

Conversations with Robert Swift UP IHR hosts talk with martial law victims lead counsel The University of the Philippines Law Center - Institute of Human Rights (UP IHR) and the Commmission in Human Rights(CHR) hosted on 9 July 2019 a public talk for the lead counsel of a successful class suit of Martial Law victims against the Marcoses. Titled “Conversations with Robert Swift,” the event was held at the Lecture Room of Bocobo Hall. Swift is an American lawyer who first led around 6,000 martial law victims-survivors in winning the class suit against the estate of the late dictator Ferdinand…

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