Multiple republication not applied to cyber libel law

Multiple republication not applied to cyber libel law Prof. Theodore Te on the enactment of law ex post facto and on multiple republication as applied to the cyber libel case filed against Maria Ressa during a roundtable discussion on the talk show The Chiefs:  

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UP IHR releases Q&A on Lowering the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility

UP IHR releases Q&A on Lowering the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility Following the proposed lowering of the minimum age of criminal responsibility in the Philippines, the University of the Philippines Law Center Institute of Human Rights has released on their Facebook page the "Q&A on Lowering the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility." This Q&A briefer will guide and inform the public on the human rights issues arising from or relating to the proposed legislation, discussing it not just through the legal lens, but in consideration of the factors contributing to the actions of children. The briefer can be viewed…

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Prof Te on the Application of a Law “ex post facto”

Prof. Te: Deep freeze for the constitutional guarantee against ex post facto laws In the column “Deep Dive” of 15 Feb. 2019, Professor Theodore Te dissects the arrests of Rappler CEO Maria Ressa and of former Rappler researcher Reynaldo Santos, Jr., on grounds of the constitutional prohibition against ex post facto laws. The theory of the DOJ on cyber libel being a “continuing crime” and its prescriptive period being subject to “multiple republication,” is what the court will have to resolve, writes Professor Te. His position is that “multiple republication” or “continuing crime” are not principles that apply to libel,…

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UP IHR conducts RTD on EJK, hosts Harvard Law School interns

UP IHR conducts RTD on EJK, hosts Harvard Law School interns The University of the Philippines Law Center Institute of Human Rights (U.P. IHR), in collaboration with the Anti-Extrajudicial Killing Network, conducted a roundtable discussion (RTD) on the extrajudicial killings (EJK) prevention in the Philippines. The event was held at the 1st floor lecture room of Bocobo Hall, UP Law Center on January 24, 2019. Titled “Coalition Building for the Prevention of Extrajudicial Killings,” the RTD was attended by families of victims of EJK, members of human rights-based non-governmental organizations, UP IHR research assistants and law students. U.P. IHR Director…

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Prof. Theodore Te: “EJK finally defined but is it a crime?”

Prof. Theodore Te: "EJK finally defined but is it a crime?" Prof. Theodore Te highlights the inclusion of the definition of Extrajudicial Killings (EJKs) within the Republic Act No. 11188, passed on 10 January 2019. And while the statute does not criminalize the act, Prof. Te places value in it as "the mere definition of EJKs in a statute represents a significant step forward in providing justice to many victims of EJKs over the years," for him. In his column “Deep Dive” on the Rappler news site, the law scholar who teaches Criminal Law points out, however, that “the definition[of EJKs] is…

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Prof Grecia-De Vera on the Philippine Competition Act

Prof. Gwen Grecia-De Vera: "Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Law: A Context for Coordination and Harmonization" "Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Law: A Context for Coordination and Harmonization" Prof. Gwen Grecia-De Vera Link: Ateneo Law Journal Vol. 62, No. 4, 2018 In enacting the Philippine Competition Act (PCA), does the Philippines’ pursuit in combating disadvantageous monopolies defeat the rights given by the Intellectual Property Code, as well as the constitutional mandate to preserve technology, knowledge, and the arts? To answer the question, the Author looks into the two laws mentioned, determines the possible conflicts between them, and attempts to find a…

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