WEP Holds 1st Online Roundtable with Labor Groups

UP Law Center Workers and Employees Program (WEP) Holds First Roundtable Discussion with Various Labor Groups The newly-instituted Workers and Employees Program of the University of the Philippines Law Center conducted its launching event, the First WEP Online Round Table Discussion last October 23, 2021. Aptly entitled “Workers and Employees Empowerment: Working Together,” the event was attended by 31 personalities, majority of whom represented labor unions and federations, labor-related organizations and government agencies, and included policy experts, labor practitioners and academics. The RTD was graced by UP College of Law Dean Edgardo Carlo L. Vistan II who delivered the Welcoming…

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PLJ Student Editorial Board Qualified Examinees

Announcement Philippine Law Journal Volume 95 Student Editorial Board Examination The PLJ Volume 95 Student Editorial Board Examination Committee has determined that the following applicants are qualified to take the PLJ Student Editorial Board Examination to be held on Saturday, November 20, 2021, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. for the legal writing and from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. for the editing examinations. Click here to download the announcement.

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2022 Young Leader’s Program

APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2022 YOUNG LEADERS' PROGRAM ARE NOW ACCEPTED! The UP College of Law, in cooperation with the Embassy of Japan, is now accepting applications for the 2022 Young Leaders’ Program. Interested applicants are required to submit the following documents (both hard and soft copies) for screening: Application for Admission (prescribed form) Official Transcript or Certified Academic Record of the university the applicant attended Recommendation Letter from the Recommending authority Two Recommendation Letters from the Employer or from the supervising Professor of the university the applicant last attended (prescribed form) Certificate of Health (to be issued by the medical…

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Prof Tiu discusses the ICC Investigation in IBP Legal Forum

UP IILS International Criminal Law Program Head Prof Tiu discusses the ICC Investigation in IBP Legal Forum On 06 October 2021, Asst. Prof. Michael T. Tiu, Jr. - Head of the International Criminal Law Program of the UP Institute of International Legal Studies (UP IILS), took part in a webinar entitled Legal Forum: The International Criminal Court’s Investigation, Responses by Philippine Lawyers organized by the Integrated Bar of the Philippines International Law Committee (IBP ILC). The webinar was moderated by Asst. Prof. Andre C. Palacios who is Chairperson of the IBP International Law Committee, and Mr. John Paul Mondejar of…

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UP IHR Conducts Workshop on FoA for Security Sector, Trade Unions

UP IHR conducts capacity building workshops on freedom of association for security sector, trade unions The UP Institute of Human Rights (UP IHR), together with the Foundation for Integrative and Development Studies, International Labour Organization (ILO), and European Union, conducted the “Capacity Building Workshop for Security Sector and Trade Unions.” This two-day workshop held on 21 and 22 October 2021 formed part of the ILO’s Safe and Decent Work in Ecozones Project. Day 1 (Basic Principles, Guidelines for State Agents, and Mechanisms of Freedom of Association) Mr. Khalid Hassan, the Director of the ILO Country Office for the Philippines, opened…

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UP IHR Director on the Anniversary of the 1996 Child Protection Convention

UP IHR Director takes part in the Global Event on the 25th Anniversary of the 1996 Child Protection Convention On October 19, 2021, the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH) in The Netherlands celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the 1996 Child Protection Convention. The global event commemorated the advancement and promotion of the protection of all children across the world since October 19, 1996. In the global forum, distinguished experts among them judges, professors, litigators and child rights advocates discussed the historical significance of the Convention, its present development, and its future aspirations of ratification and accession for the…

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