Public Lecture Series Indigenous Peoples Rights

Public Lecture Series | Indigenous Peoples Rights PUBLIC LECTURE SERIES |. INDIGENOUS PEOPLES RIGHTS 22 OCTOBER, 2022 SATURDAY, 10am -12pm SAVE YOUR SPOT and REGISTER NOW - Listen to fresh perspectives on IP Protection and rediscover the timeless wisdom of our indigenous past. On the occasion of Indigenous Peoples' Month, the UP Master of Laws Program in partnership with the Legal Education Advancement Program (LEAP) and the UP Institute of Human Rights warmly welcome you to this special public lecture on The Challenges of Legal Normativity Towards the Protection of Indigenous Peoples Rights : Shifting Perspectives, Changing Narratives. SAVE…

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GLPP holds Gender Sensitivity Training for UP Law Students

UP GLPP holds Gender Sensitivity Training for U.P. Law Students The Gender Law and Policy Program (GLPP) of the University of the Philippines College of Law held Gender Sensitivity Training titled “Gender and Development 101: A Webinar on Gender Sensitivity for U.P. Law Students” on 29 August 2022 through Zoom and Facebook Live. The gender sensitivity training aimed to promote a gender-aware, gender-sensitive, and gender-responsive environment, and to empower UP Law Students, especially incoming freshies, to become more gender-sensitive individuals. A total of 120 U.P. Law Students attended the training via Zoom and Facebook Live, with 98% of the participants…

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PLJ Vol 96 Student Editorial Board Examination

Philippine Law Journal Volume 96 Student Editorial Board Examination The Chair, Vice-Chair, and the eight (8) other members of the Student Editorial Board of the Philippine Law Journal Volume 96 shall be chosen through competitive examination to be given on November 26, 2022 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. (for on-the-spot legal writing) and from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (for on-the-spot editing). On or before October 29, 2022 (until 5:00 p.m.), all applicants must send to a comprehensive and detailed CV clearly indicating law school academic performance, as well as any relevant past writing, editing, and management experience,…

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UPCL Statement Condemning the Threats to Judge Marlo Magdoza-Malagar

UP College of Law Faculty Statement Condemning the Threats made by Ms. Badoy Against Judge Marlo Magdoza-Malagar. We, undersigned Members of the Faculty of the University of the Philippines College of Law, condemn the threats made by Ms. Lorraine Badoy against Judge Marlo Magdoza-Malagar and the red tagging of Judge Magdoza-Malagar and her husband, UP Cebu Chancellor Leo Malagar. Both Judge Magdoza-Malagar and Chancellor Leo Malagar have been members of the UP Law faculty as lecturers. Ms. Badoy’s statements should not be allowed to remain unaddressed. The threat to kill another is a felony punished under our criminal laws. Red…

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Asst. Prof. Tiu presents report at the UN Joint Programme for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights

Asst. Prof. Tiu presents report as Legal Consultant in the United Nations (UN) Joint Programme for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in the Philippines On 23-26 August 2022, the United Nations Joint Programme for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in the Philippines (UNJP) held the Capacity-building Workshop of the Commission on Human Rights on the Anti-Terrorism Act was held at the Hilton Clark Sun Valley Resort in Clark, Pampanga. The workshop comprised a series of presentations tackling Republic Act 11479, otherwise known as the “Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020” (ATA), its Implementing Rules and Regulations, Calleja v.…

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UP Law WEP first training series on labor standards

UP Law WEP kicks off first training series on labor standards The Workers and Employees Program (WEP) of the University of the Philippines College of Law/Law Center began its first training series on Workers’ Rights and Benefits Under Labor Standards Laws through a session on wages held virtually on Saturday morning, 10 September 2022. The resource persons were Atty. Queen Therese "Queen" D. Espinas, Attorney III of the Labor Standards Appeals and Review Division, Bureau of Working Conditions (BWC), Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), and Atty. Grace N. Mana-ay-Badilla, Attorney V of the Review, Appeals and Legal Division, DOLE…

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