GLPP holds Gender Sensitivity Training for UP Law Students

UP GLPP holds Gender Sensitivity Training for U.P. Law Students

The Gender Law and Policy Program (GLPP) of the University of the Philippines College of Law held Gender Sensitivity Training titled “Gender and Development 101: A Webinar on Gender Sensitivity for U.P. Law Students” on 29 August 2022 through Zoom and Facebook Live. The gender sensitivity training aimed to promote a gender-aware, gender-sensitive, and gender-responsive environment, and to empower UP Law Students, especially incoming freshies, to become more gender-sensitive individuals.

A total of 120 U.P. Law Students attended the training via Zoom and Facebook Live, with 98% of the participants being freshies.

The speakers, Prof. Nathalie Africa-Verceles, DSD, Prof. E. (Leo) D. Battad, Prof. Teresa Paula De Luna and Mr. Boz Paul Suaybaguio explained four core topics: (1) Understanding Gender, (2) The Use of Gender-Fair Language, (3) Gender Advocacy, and (4) Anti-Sexual Harassment and the University’s ASH Code. The speakers also engaged in a panel discussion of the audience’s questions which included queries on SOGIESC, sexism, the use of gender-fair language in research and dissertations, and how to be an ally within the legal community.


  • Post category:News
  • Post last modified:October 13, 2022