LAE 2022 Pre-Exam Info Bulletin

Law Aptitude Exam 2022 Pre-Exam Info Bulletin

  1. The 2022 LAE Exam File can be downloaded from Examplify starting April 1, 2022 at 9 PM. Please download the exam before the start of the LAE. You will only be allowed to download the exam file once, so make sure that you download the exam file on the same device where you will take the LAE. Once you have downloaded the exam, do not click on “Remove Exam” unless instructed.
  2. The 2022 LAE is scheduled on April 3, 2022 at 9 AM. This is a timed and scheduled exam. All examinees are supposed to take the exam simultaneously on the scheduled date and time. Exam files will be AUTOMATICALLY DELETED for those who have downloaded the exam but have not started the exam by 9:30 AM.
  3. Although the exam is already in your system after being downloaded, it cannot be accessed without an exam password. This exam password will be published in the UP LAE 2022 Course Page 15 minutes before the scheduled start of the exam. At 9 AM (or immediately after getting the exam password), you are already authorized to start the exam. Click on “Start Exam” and proceed to answering the questions (make sure “I am authorized to start my exam” is checked).
  4. Read the pre-exam attachment carefully for instructions and guidance on how to manage your time.
  5. After finishing and submitting the exam, Examplify will require you to upload your answers and the Exam Monitor video. Keep Examplify open until this process is finished. You have until April 4, 2022 9 AM to upload your finished exam. The upload deadline is applicable only to uploading your finished exam and your Exam Monitor videos. This does not allow you to start the exam at any time other than the scheduled time.


  • Post category:News
  • Post last modified:April 2, 2022