Efficacy, efficiency, and in support of the common good

Efficacy, efficiency, and in support of the common good -- UP President Concepcion interviewed on leading the premier state university In an interview with Rappler released on Wednesday, March 29, 2017, Pres. Danilo Concepcion expressed that his priority as the chief executive of the University of the Philippines is to make the system as effective and efficient as possible, with particular emphasis on the restoration of the infrastructure in all of the campuses. "I want to be remembered as the president who spearheaded the restoration of UP," the former Dean of the College of Law remarked. Describing his role as…

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IHR holds a Roundtable Discussion on the Philippines’ Obligations on the Death Penalty

IHR holds a Roundtable Discussion on the Philippines’ Obligations on the Death Penalty Under the Second Optional Protocol to ICCPR The University of the Philippines Institute of Human Rights, in partnership with the Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates, held a round table discussion on the Philippine obligations on the death penalty under the Second Optional Protocol to ICCPR and effective measures for countering crimes through strengthening the rule of law and the justice system. The forum was held last February 13, 2017 at Microtel by Wyndham - UP Ayala Technohub, Diliman, Quezon City. In her Opening Remarks, IHR Director,…

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UP Institute of International Legal Studies holds forum on Philippine Policy on Free Trade Agreements

UP Institute of International Legal Studies holds forum on Philippine Policy on Free Trade Agreements Free Trade Agreements between countries and within regions are the call of the times in international trade. To raise public awareness on FTAs, their political undertones and impact on member-nations was the subject of a forum organized by the Institute of International Studies, on 21 March 2017 at the UP Law Center. Former DTI Secretary, Atty. Adrian Cristobal, Jr. spoke on Philippine Policy and Negotiation Issues on FTAs and Dr. Ramon Clarete of the UP School of Economics presented. Recommendations and Strategies on FTAs for…

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ASEAN Economic Integration Solutions to Legal and Economic Challenges for the Philippines

ASEAN ECONOMIC INTEGRATION: SOLUTIONS TO LEGAL AND ECONOMIC CHALLENGES FOR THE PHILIPPINES by the UP Institute of International Legal Studies (IILS); H. Harry L. Roque, Jr., Ramon L. Clarete. Celeste Ruth L. Cembrano-Mallari, eds. PHP 450.00 This volume is the third and culminating phase of a legal audit project of the Institute of International Legal Studies of the UP Law Complex. It contains the papers presented at the forum on "ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015: Solutions to Legal Challenges" conducted in 2014 to further promote awareness and understanding in the implementation of the ASEAN economic integration. The book expands upon…

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“The Labor Code of the Philippines” by Arnold F. De Vera (2017 Edition)

THE LABOR CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES by Arnold F. De Vera (2017 Edition) Published by LexisNexis PHP 957.00This edition of the Labor Code of the Philippines (2016-2017) provides a current and accessible version of the laws relating to employment law in the Philippines. Since its enactment in 1974, the Labor Code has been amended many times over. These numerous changes have so affected the substance and form of the provisions of the original Code as to call for an updated version for all who refer to it, such as practitioners, policymakers, students, and those handling labor relations issues.  

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Danilo Concepcion steps in as 21st UP President

Danilo Concepcion steps in as 21st UP President Reposted from the UP System Website. Original article by Arlyn VCD Romualdo. The University of the Philippines (UP) welcomed its 21st president, UP Diliman College of Law Dean Danilo Concepcion, on February 10 in a ceremonial turnover of the university leadership at Quezon Hall, UP Diliman. He will serve a term of six years. “Today, I will pass on, with both pride and humility, the mantle of leadership to my successor, whose outstanding qualifications give me confidence that the future of UP is in good hands,” said outgoing UP President Alfredo Pascual…

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