Issues Surrounding Unionism at the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic

UP LAW LABOR CLUSTER HOLDS A WEBINAR ON THE KEY ISSUES SURROUNDING UNIONISM AT THE TIME OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC The UP College of Law Labor Law Cluster successfully hosted its 4th webinar entitled “Unionism in the Time of Covid: Legal and Practical Issues” on 29 May 2021, attended by over 500 participants. It was livestreamed via Facebook page, with 137 plays, 30 shares, 72 reactions and 4 comments. The participants included Deans and professors, and students from the U.P. College of Law and other law schools across the country. The webinar session was aimed to inform and enlighten the…

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Role of ICC in Drug War Probe, Prosecution of Crimes Against Humanity

UP IHR, UP IILS, IBP webinar highlights role of ICC in Drug War probe, prosecution of crimes against humanity To assist the public in understanding the nature of crimes against humanity and its implications on the efforts to seek effective remedy, the UP Institute of Human Rights (UP IHR) and the UP Institute of International Legal Studies (UP IILS), in partnership with the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP), co-organized the webinar entitled “Crimes against Humanity and the International Criminal Court: Nature, Procedure, and Implication on the Philippine Situation” via Zoom and Facebook Live. Held on 25 June 2021, the…

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Members of the UP Law Faculty issue Statement of Support for Pride Month “The life of the law has not been logic; it has been experience.” These words by former US Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. echo the voices in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) community who long for ample protection of the law in order to live full and dignified lives. The experiences of Filipino gender minorities reveal a history of repression and exclusion in the legal institutions that the majority of us never had to fight to get access to. Our experiences…


Dean Pangalangan Retires from the International Criminal Court

Former UP Law Dean Raul Cano Pangalangan Retires from the International Criminal Court Former UP Law Dean Raul Cano Pangalangan has retired as one of the 18 judges of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Six years ago, he was elected to that body to fill in the post left behind by the late Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago. He served on the international court from 13 July 2015 to 10 March 2021, with him continuing in office until 16 May 2021. Even before his election, he had been involved with the court, having assisted in drafting the Rome Statute, which established…

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Final List of LAE 2021 Passers

List of First Year Qualifiers For Admission to the UP College of Law JD Program Based on the results of the Law Aptitude Examination (LAE), the pre-LAE online course, and undergraduate general weighted averages, the Admissions Committee of the UP College of Law is pleased to announce that the 373 applicants listed below have qualified for the interviews to determine the final list of applicants for admission to the College’s Juris Doctor program for the Academic Year 2021-2022. The interviews will commence within June 2021. Those who have qualified will be notified of their respective schedules. Kindly visit our website…

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UP GLPP Holds its First Gender and Development Webinar

UP GLPP HOLDS ITS FIRST GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT WEBINAR Last 09 April 2021, the UP Gender Law and Policy Program (UPGLPP) of the University of the Philippines College of Law hosted its first Gender and Development Webinar entitled “Gender and Development 101: A Webinar on Gender Sensitivity,” which was livestreamed in the official Facebook page of the UP College of Law was livestreamed in the official Facebook page of the UP College of Law. Aimed towards creating, continuing, and expanding the spaces for dialogue regarding gender-related issues in educational institutions, the GAD Webinar provided an overview of the fundamentals of…

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