September 2021 | International Law Alerts | Intellectual Property

IPOPHL awards Philippine-made sustainable packaging innovations The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) named last Tuesday seven local intellectual property technologies as winning innovations at its Socially Relevant Technology (SRT) Contest 2021, which aims to promote sustainable packaging solutions and other clean technologies. IPOPHL helps ITSOs address formality examination findings for a favorable patent application Nearly 160 participants from the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines’ Innovation and Technology Support Office (ITSO) network took advantage of the Online Paper B Training conducted by a team from the IP Management and Technology Transfer Division of the Documentation, Information, and Technology…

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August 2021 | International Law Alerts | Intellectual Property

IPOPHL adopts EU trademark database, ensuring certainty and ease in application The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines' (IPOPHL) online trademark filing tool is now using the European Union's (EU) harmonized database of goods and services (HDB), currently the largest multilingual trademark classification database in the world. IPOPHL adopts new search techniques to ensure novelty of innovations Over 100 patent examiners from the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) were recently trained to keep in step with new search techniques adopted in certain scientific literature databases, ensuring the novelty of innovations approved for intellectual property (IP) protection by the…

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July 2021 | International Law Alerts | Intellectual Property

MSU Iligan's power-saving microchip to be commercialized The power-saving microchip developed by researchers at the Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT) is poised to be commercially available after it meets patent requirements BOC destroys P2-B counterfeit items in Bulacan The Bureau of Customs (BOC)-Port of Manila (POM) on Saturday destroyed counterfeit items including branded shoes, beauty products worth PHP2 billion in Bulacan. 'BerryPinoy' study to be finished by December Results of the "BerryPinoy" program, which seeks to explore the potentials of Philippine indigenous berries as functional foods, will likely be released in December, Department of Science and…

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June 2021 | International Law Alerts | Intellectual Property

IPOPHL partners with Ateneo Law to create more IP law experts The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) has partnered with the Ateneo de Manila University School of Law (ALS) with the aim of creating more intellectual property (IP) professionals through the latter’s Master of Laws (LLM) on IP, an offering to be promoted as a world-class program for learning the IP legal landscape. IPOPHL to drive creative economy’s recovery, growth at 1st PH Int’l Copyright Summit On the week of November 22, some 50 local and foreign speakers will gather at the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines’…

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May 2021 | International Law Alerts | Intellectual Property

MSMEs urged to innovate, protect IP in digital globalization pivot Government officials at the recent Intellectual Property (IP) Grand Forum called on MSMEs to raise their innovative capabilities and protect all IP-able assets in the process, especially as they expand to e-commerce and into its global competitive environment for recovery. IPOPHL maintains highest COA audit mark for eight years The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) once again received from the Commission on Audit (COA) an “unqualified/unmodified opinion” for its financial records last year, the best auditing mark which can only be achieved if an entity’s financial statements are…

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April 2021 | International Law Alerts | Intellectual Property

  Domestic patent office allows online mediation In a statement, Ipophl said it also revived the World Intellectual Property (WIPO) option that enables intellectual property (IP) disputes at Ipophl to be referred to the WIPO-Arbitration and Mediation Center that assists parties in the selection of mediators and offers facilitation services. PH assumes chairmanship of ASEAN intellectual property cooperation group The Philippines, through the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL), has assumed the chairmanship of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ (ASEAN) Working Group on Intellectual Property Cooperation (AWGIPC), the group leading the bloc to fulfill its 2025 goal of…

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