Multiple republication not applied to cyber libel law

Multiple republication not applied to cyber libel law Prof. Theodore Te on the enactment of law ex post facto and on multiple republication as applied to the cyber libel case filed against Maria Ressa during a roundtable discussion on the talk show The Chiefs:  

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UP IHR releases Q&A on Lowering the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility

UP IHR releases Q&A on Lowering the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility Following the proposed lowering of the minimum age of criminal responsibility in the Philippines, the University of the Philippines Law Center Institute of Human Rights has released on their Facebook page the "Q&A on Lowering the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility." This Q&A briefer will guide and inform the public on the human rights issues arising from or relating to the proposed legislation, discussing it not just through the legal lens, but in consideration of the factors contributing to the actions of children. The briefer can be viewed…

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UP IHR conducts RTD on EJK, hosts Harvard Law School interns

UP IHR conducts RTD on EJK, hosts Harvard Law School interns The University of the Philippines Law Center Institute of Human Rights (U.P. IHR), in collaboration with the Anti-Extrajudicial Killing Network, conducted a roundtable discussion (RTD) on the extrajudicial killings (EJK) prevention in the Philippines. The event was held at the 1st floor lecture room of Bocobo Hall, UP Law Center on January 24, 2019. Titled “Coalition Building for the Prevention of Extrajudicial Killings,” the RTD was attended by families of victims of EJK, members of human rights-based non-governmental organizations, UP IHR research assistants and law students. U.P. IHR Director…

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Analysis of Philippines-China MOU on Cooperation in Oil and Gas Development

Analysis of Philippines-China MOU on Cooperation in Oil and Gas Development Professor Dr. Jay Batongbacal continues to inform the public on maritime developments in the West Philippine Sea. Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative of 5 December 2018 carries his updated analysis on the MOU signed during the recent visit of President Xi Jinping’s visit to the country. The maritime law expert had earlier analyzed an unofficially released draft of the MOU, also carried by the AMTI of 21 November, but “amid mounting demands for transparency and full release of the government’s reported 29 deals signed with China, particularly the MOU, the…

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Alumni News: Rosmari Carandang appointed as new SC Justice
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Alumni News: Rosmari Carandang appointed as new SC Justice

Alumni News: Rosmari Carandang appointed as new SC Justice Court of Appeals Justice Rosmari Carandang is the newest magistrate to be appointed to the Supreme Court occupying the seat vacated by Justice Teresita De Castro. Justice Carandang  is  a UP Law Alumna belonging to Class ’75.  She graduated cum laude as class salutatorian and placed 9th in Bar Examination obtaining an average of 84.95 percent. She served as a presiding judge of the Manila trial court for nine years being appointed in 1994. She moved to the Court of Appeals in March 2003 where she has been serving until the present.

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A call for State vigilance in the West Philippine Sea

A call for State vigilance in the West Philippine Sea Prof. Jay Batongbacal, Director of the UP Law Center IMLOS, once again has warned against the conduct taking place in the West Philippine Sea. When asked to comment on the incident where the Chinese Coast Guard prevented a crew of GMA-7 from conducting interviews in the West Philippine Sea on 8 November, the Maritime Law expert counseled: “If we don’t speak up, we are deemed to have waived our rights to that area; so it is important to make a protest.” The full report by Francis Mangosing may be accessed at:  

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