Prevalence of Online Gender-based Violence in the Philippines

UP IHR webinar highlights prevalence of online gender-based violence in the Philippines The UP Institute of Human Rights (UP IHR) and the UP Foundation for Integrative and Development Studies (FIDS), together with the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women (UN Women), organized on 2 February 2021 a webinar discussing the Cybercrime Prevention Act. The webinar is a part of the UN Women Access to Justice Program, which aims to raise awareness and understanding to prevent cybercrime and online gender-based violence. The program is led by Ms. Jona Marie Ang, the National Program Officer of UN Women,…

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APJIHL 2021 Edition Call For Papers – Accepts Papers on Rolling Basis

Asia-Pacific Journal of International Humanitarian Law - Accepts Papers on Rolling Basis The Asia-Pacific Journal of
 International Humanitarian Law is a publication of the Institute of International Legal Studies - University of the Philippines Law Center (UP-IILS) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The Journal aims to produce peer-reviewed scholarly articles, book reviews, and commentary on significant developments and current issues in international humanitarian law, and related fields. It has a special focus on the Asia-Pacific region, and is published once a year. We invite the submission of articles on subjects related to international humanitarian law, humanitarian…

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Faculty Statement on the Commentary published by the Daily Tribune on 3 February 2021

Statement of the University of the Philippines College of Law Faculty 5 February 2021    We, the Faculty of the University of the Philippines College of Law, without exception or reservation, very strongly take exception and condemn the commentary entitled “Duterte foes want to control UP law school” under the byline “TDT” published by the Daily Tribune on 3 February 2021. The commentary is an unwarranted and offensive attack that not only sullies and casts doubt upon the personalities of the four candidates currently being considered for the position of Dean of the UP College of Law, but also upon…

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UP Law to Publish its First Literary Folio

UP College of Law to Publish its First Literary Folio: Opens submission of entries Note: Submission deadline is extended until 19 May 2021: 16 April 2021 - Updated Memo of Dean Edgardo Carlo L. Vistan II 19 March 2021 - Memo of Dean Edgardo Carlo L. Vistan II 22 January 2021 - Memo of Dean Fides Cordero Tan The UP College of Law has launched its first-ever literary folio entitled “Dito sa UP Law: Many Voices, One Community” which will be published on online platforms. The submission of entries is open to all members of the UP Law Community (i.e.…

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UP IHR Co-organizes Webinar Series on Human Rights and A2J for Young Women

UP IHR Co-organizes Webinar Series on Human Rights and A2J for Young Women The UP Institute of Human Rights (UP IHR) and the University of the Philippines Foundation for Integrative and Development Studies Inc. (UP FIDS), together with the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN WOMEN), invite interested participants to its webinar series on human rights and access to justice (A2J) issues of young women. Prof. Elizabeth Aguiling-Pangalangan, Director of UP IHR and FIDS Project Leader, and the other UP IHR lawyers, Atty. Glenda Litong, Atty. Daniel Lising, MD, Atty. Raymond Baguilat and Atty.…

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The Search for the Next UP College of Law Dean Continues

The Search for the Next UP College of Law Dean Continues Calling all UP Law faculty members, alumni, students, and staff to participate in the virtual interviews on the Search for the Next UP College of Law Dean scheduled on January 18-19, 2021. Please take note of the schedule for specific sectors: January 18, 2021 (Monday) Faculty 9:00 AM to 12:00 NN Alumni 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM January 19, 2021 (Tuesday) Students 9:00 AM to 12:00 NN Staff 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM Register via #UPCollegeofLaw #SearchforNextUPLawDean

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