- A Re-envisioned Internally Determined Environmental Agenda for the Philippines (R-IDEA)
This project intends to provide support for the development and adoption of robust, cohesive country positions in the negotiation and implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) through the establishment of a repository for MEA-related country submissions, position papers, and similar documents. This can be done by focusing on two (2) main components: knowledge management and integration. The knowledge management component aims to establish a repository for MEA-related submissions, position papers, statements and similar instruments. The integration component would be done by gaining membership and taking part in subcommittees and networks relevant to MEA-related work, securing independent observer accreditation for MEA’s that the Philippines is Party to, and attendance at MEA Conferences/Subsidiary Body/Advisory Body meetings independently or as advisors to the national delegation. This will lay the groundwork for the three focal areas of environmental concern: climate change, biodiversity, and pollution.