“The Labor Code of the Philippines” by Arnold F. De Vera (2017 Edition)

THE LABOR CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES by Arnold F. De Vera (2017 Edition) Published by LexisNexis PHP 957.00This edition of the Labor Code of the Philippines (2016-2017) provides a current and accessible version of the laws relating to employment law in the Philippines. Since its enactment in 1974, the Labor Code has been amended many times over. These numerous changes have so affected the substance and form of the provisions of the original Code as to call for an updated version for all who refer to it, such as practitioners, policymakers, students, and those handling labor relations issues.  

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Danilo Concepcion steps in as 21st UP President

Danilo Concepcion steps in as 21st UP President Reposted from the UP System Website. Original article by Arlyn VCD Romualdo. The University of the Philippines (UP) welcomed its 21st president, UP Diliman College of Law Dean Danilo Concepcion, on February 10 in a ceremonial turnover of the university leadership at Quezon Hall, UP Diliman. He will serve a term of six years. “Today, I will pass on, with both pride and humility, the mantle of leadership to my successor, whose outstanding qualifications give me confidence that the future of UP is in good hands,” said outgoing UP President Alfredo Pascual…

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The Office of Legal Aid (OLA) received the Gawad Pangulo Award for Excellence in Public Service 2016

The Office of Legal Aid (OLA) received the Gawad Pangulo Award for Excellence in Public Service 2016 In recognition of their Clinical Legal Education Program, the UP Office of Legal Aid (OLA) was among those honored with the first Gawad Pangulo: Award for Excellence in Public Service in a ceremony held on January 30, 2017 at the Executive House, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City. The award, also known as the Padayon Award, recognizes outstanding public service initiatives of units in the UP System under five clusters: Arts and Letters, and Communications; Science and Technology; Social Sciences, Management, and…

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PNP renews a Memorandum of Agreement with UP College of Law on legal education and training for police.

PNP renews a Memorandum of Agreement with UP College of Law on legal education and training for police. The Philippine National Police, under Police Director General Ronald M. Dela Rosa, signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the UP College of Law for the legal education and training of the current police force, pursuant to the PNP Reform Act of 1998. Present for the MOA signing were Police Director Dela Rosa, UP President-elect Dean Danilo L. Concepcion, and UP College of Law Secretary Prof. Ma. Gisella Dizon-Reyes. The event was held on January 30, 2017, at the PNP Headquarters at Camp…

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UP Law wins 2017 Stetson Int’l Environmental Moot Court – Southeast Asian Regional Rounds

UP Law wins 2017 Stetson Int'l Environmental Moot Court - Southeast Asian Regional Rounds The team representing the University of the Philippines College of Law won the championship of the 2017 Southeast Asian Regional Rounds (SEARR) of the Stetson International Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, held from January 5 to 7, 2017 at the College of Law. First-time mooters Maria Patricia Valeña, Napoleon L. Gonzales III, Michelle Lao, and Nadaine P. Tongco prevailed over teams from Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines, claiming the championship in the Final Round against Ateneo Law School. In addition, the team received the award…

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Philippine Law Register Issue No. 2: “Strongmen and the Rule of Law” now online

Philippine Law Register Issue No. 2: "Strongmen and the Rule of Law" now online Relaunched in 2015, the Philippine Law Register is the annual and official student paper of the UP College of Law. It is committed to publishing well-researched, incisive, and thought-provoking commentaries, artworks, and photographs that are concerned with timely and profound issues in law, politics, and society. For this Academic Year, the Register is proud to announce the online release of its next installment, themed “Strongmen and the Rule of Law.” Featuring interviews with Representative Pia Cayetano, Atty. Dino Aguirre, Atty. Ana Margarita Rodriguez, Rafael Ricalde, and…

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