No to Cha-Cha Coalition Led by Two Framers of the 1987 Constitution

NO TO CHA-CHA COALITION LAUNCHED BY A COALITION LED BY TWO FRAMERS OF THE 1987 CONSTITUTION A “No to Cha-Cha Coalition”, led by former Supreme Court Chief Justice Hilario P. Davide, Jr. and former COMELEC Chairperson Atty. Christian S. Monsod, was launched last 13 February 2018. During the launch, held at the Malcolm Theater of the UP College of Law in UP Diliman, Quezon City, the coalition presented a host of reasons for rejecting moves to change the Constitution. Former SC Chief Justice Davide, Jr. and Atty. Monsod, both members of the 1986 Constitutional Commission, stated that a shift to…

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UP Law Center comments on House Bill No. 6027

UP Law Center comments on House Bill No. 6027 seeking the dissolution of marriage based on irreconcilable differences or severe and chronic unhappiness The UP Law Center, upon request from the Committee on Population and Family Relations of the House of Representatives, gave its legal inputs on House Bill No. 6027, noting that several provisions of the bill are either vague or open to misunderstanding and must be clarified. Cited in a Philippine Daily Inquirer news report, the UP Law Center, in its comment, observed that the two grounds for dissolving marriages cited in the bill are ambiguous and could…

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UP Law Center launches its Charter Revision Project

UP Law Center launches its Charter Revision Project The University of the Philippines is imbued with a commitment to national development and service to the Filipino nation. The UP Law Center, on the other hand, is mandated to undertake technical studies and researches in law, particularly on projects for reform, with the Institute of Government and Law Reform (“IGLR”) being tasked to discharge the functions of the defunct Code Commission. Along these lines, the UP Law Center, through the Institute of Government and Law Reform, launches today its Constitutional Review Project (CRP) as part of its ongoing research and academic…

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Institute of Human Rights kicks-off 70th Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Institute of Human Rights kicks-off 70th Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights In celebration of Human Rights Month and the lead-up to the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, U.P. Law Center Institute of Human Rights (UP IHR) and Center for International Law (CenterLaw) held Culturalizing Human Rights v. Human Rightization of Culture: Epistemology of Human Rights in Asia last December 11, 2017 at the Ambion Room of Malcolm Hall, U.P. College of Law. The event featured a discussion of Prof. Upendra Acharya of Gonzaga University School of Law in Spokane, Washington, on the origin, definition,…

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UP Law team bags Championship, Best Overall Memorial, and Best Speaker

UP Law team bags Championship, Best Overall Memorial, and Best Speaker in 2018 Stetson Moot Court Competition - Southeast Asian Regional Rounds For the second consecutive year, the team from the University of the Philippines College of Law bagged the championship of the Southeast Asia Regional Rounds of the Stetston International Environmental Law Moot Court Competition last January 13, 2018. The UP team composed of Marianne Vitug, Marianne Estioco, Mikee Bernardino and Sheigne Miñano bested the Applicant team of the University of Cebu in the final round. The panel of judges was composed of Prof. Jay Batongbacal, Atty. Joan De…

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UP teams wins championship and finalist slots 2017 Justitia Moot Court Competition

UP teams wins championship and finalist slots 2017 Justitia Moot Court Competition Two teams from the UP College of Law grabbed the championship and a finalist slot at the 3rd Teehankee Center for the Rule of Law Justitia Moot Court Co mpetition, held at the Ateneo Professional Schools, Rockwell Center, Makati City, on November 23-24, 2017. Garnering the top place was the UP LDMU Team 2, composed of Juan Paulo Artiaga, Bong Orduna, Franz Albert Lantin, and Kathleen Benavidez. Following close was the UP LDMU Team 1, with members  Raymond Joseph Garcia, Gavin Chan, Chrysologous Herrera, and Kacel Castro, finishing…

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