Law Center Launches National Moot Court Training

The UP Law Center Institute of International Legal Studies and UP Law Debate and Moot Court Union (LDMU) launched a National Moot Court Training Series in Father Saturnino Urios University, Butuan City, Agusan del Norte, last September 7-8, 2019. The program aims to develop novice moot court participantsfrom all over the country and inspire interest in competitive mooting as a tool for learning international law and critical legal skills. In the weeks leading to the workshop, participants were grouped and given first-hand experience in legal research and memorial writing based on a moot court problem brought before the International Court of…

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State of the Filipino family: realities on the ground

State of the Filipino family: realities on the ground Professor Elizabeth Aguiling-Pangalangan appeared before the Supreme Court as amicus curae during oral arguments on the legal distinction between illegitimate and legitimate children. She served as expert witness along with Ateneo Law School Dean Cynthia del Castillo on 3 September when both argued for the striking down of Article 992 of the Civil Code as unconstitutional. Prof. Aguiling-Pangalangan, who teaches Persons and Family Relations, cited PSA data of 2017, that records 907,061 (53.3%) of live births as born out of wedlock, indicating more illegitimate children born in the country than legitimate…

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Conversations with Robert Swift

Conversations with Robert Swift UP IHR hosts talk with martial law victims lead counsel The University of the Philippines Law Center - Institute of Human Rights (UP IHR) and the Commmission in Human Rights(CHR) hosted on 9 July 2019 a public talk for the lead counsel of a successful class suit of Martial Law victims against the Marcoses. Titled “Conversations with Robert Swift,” the event was held at the Lecture Room of Bocobo Hall. Swift is an American lawyer who first led around 6,000 martial law victims-survivors in winning the class suit against the estate of the late dictator Ferdinand…

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NEW BOOK RELEASE The UP Law Center is proud to announce the release of Professor Dante B. Gatmaytan's latest book, Local Government: Law and Jurisprudence (Volumes I and II) The book is part of the Law Center's Centennial Book Writing Project, featuring textbooks written by experts from the UP College of Law Faculty. Copies are now available for sale at the U.P. Law Center Bookroom.  

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UP College of Law Sends Academic Delegation to Spain

UP College of Law Sends Academic Delegation to Spain The UP College of Law sent a delegation (from June 14 to 20, 2019) to leading institutions of legal education in Spain, to renew its academic ties and to participate in the 5th International Scientific Congress - Five Centuries Sailing the Legal World. Led by Dean-Fides Cordero-Tan, the delegation visited Malaga to renew its ongoing collaboration with the Universidad de Malaga Facultad de Derecho. This partnership, born of a mutual interest in the links between Philippine and Spanish law, has since flourished to produce scholarship on both contemporary and legal issues,…

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UP Law Student Awarded Gawad Tsanselor 2018

A graduating evening student of the College of Law has been awarded the "Gawad Tsanselor Para sa Mga Natatanging Mag-Aaral" by the University of the Philippines.Lee Edson P. Yarcia, M.D., is one of the three outstanding students to receive the award. The award is given annually to honor exemplary members of the UP community. A search committee convenes and rigorously deliberates on the nominees to be awarded. Yarcia entered the UP College of Law in 2013 after earning his Doctor of Medicine from the same University.In law school, he has excelled in both his academic and extra-curricular activities, joining the…

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