Philippine Materials in International Law: A Colloquium

PHILIPPINE MATERIALS IN INTERNATIONAL LAW, A COLLOQUIUM Following the successful publication and launch of the book, the UP Institute of International Legal Studies (UP IILS), in partnership with the Philippine Society of International Law (PSIL) and the UP College of Law, held a virtual Colloquium on the book “Philippine Materials in International Law”, authored by International Criminal Court Judge (ret.) and former Dean of the UP College of Law, Judge Raul C. Pangalangan. The event was moderated by Atty. Paula Deveraturda, and featured members of the UP College of Law Faculty—Prof. Rommel Casis, Prof. Andre Palacios, Prof. Dante Gatmaytan, Dr.…

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Welcome to the Recognition Rites of the UP College of Law Batch 2022

Welcome to the Recognition Rites of the UP College of Law Batch 2022 This year’s recognition rites theme is Sinag, a Filipino word meaning “ray of light.” Sinag represents the fervent hope of this year’s graduates: to serve as a beacon of light to guide one another as they embark on their legal careers. The graduates of Batch 2022 have gone through an overwhelming journey in conquering the hardships of law school. But, as the saying goes, no one is an island unto oneself. The graduates were aided by their professors, mentors, families, and friends —their own beacons — in…

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Asst. Prof. Tiu serves as resource person on Business and Human Rights

Asst. Prof. Tiu serves as resource person on Business and Human Rights As part of the Commission on Human Rights Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ESCR) Center’s training of stakeholders on business and human rights, Assistant Professor Michael T. Tiu, Jr. served as resource person and delivered a presentation on the role of the State in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) Framework. Prof. Tiu discussed the state’s duty to protect human rights as one of the three pillars of the UNGP, and elaborated on the foundational and operational principles that stress the State’s duties…

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UP Law Hosts CALESA Project

UP Law Hosts CALESA Project The UP College of Law hosted the Sixth Spanish-Filipino Congress in Malcolm Hall, June 10-11, 2022. With the theme of “Modernizing Criminal Law and Private Law,” delegates from the University of Malaga, Spain, and from local Universities gathered to share their discourse on the subject. The Congress was an activity of the CALESA (Capacity building for Legal and Social Advancement) Project of the European Commission, coordinated by the University of Malaga with other international partner institutions in higher education. In the Philippines, this cooperation focuses on the development of law and legal education and the…

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Geneva-based NGO taps UP IHR Director Prof Aguiling-Pangalangan

Geneva-based NGO taps UP IHR Director Professor Elizabeth Aguiling-Pangalangan as Expert UP IHR Director Professor Elizabeth Aguiling-Pangalangan’s contribution on the rights of children to have an identity earned  recognition from Child Identity Protection (CHIP), a Geneva-based International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO). Professor Aguiling-Pangalangan’s work was cited by CHIP in its 2022 signature publication entitled “Preserving ‘family relations’: an essential feature of the child's right to identity”. The said publication argues for the recognition of the right of the child to identity as a stand-alone right. It frames identity rights as the right to be registered at birth, have proof of one’s registration, have…

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Labor Code Revision Project Culminating Activity

Labor Code Revision Project Culminating Activity Last June 21, 2022, the Labor Code Revision Project, chaired by Prof. Patricia R.P. Salvador Daway in partnership with the UP Institute of Government and Law Reform (UP IGLR), culminated in the formal presentation of the proposed Revised Labor Code of the Philippines, to the UP College of Law Dean Edgardo Carlo L. Vistan II. Dean Vistan commended the completion of the project. He saluted the members of the committee who toiled hours for the past several years. Hon. Rufus B. Rodriguez of the House of Representatives also attended the event and shared his…

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