UP Law Center launches its Charter Revision Project

UP Law Center launches its Charter Revision Project

The University of the Philippines is imbued with a commitment to national development and service to the Filipino nation. The UP Law Center, on the other hand, is mandated to undertake technical studies and researches in law, particularly on projects for reform, with the Institute of Government and Law Reform (“IGLR”) being tasked to discharge the functions of the defunct Code Commission.

Along these lines, the UP Law Center, through the Institute of Government and Law Reform, launches today its Constitutional Review Project (CRP) as part of its ongoing research and academic initiatives on constitutional review and amendments since 2016.

The project aims to lead and provoke academic discussions on constitutional review, the entire spectrum of opinions affecting it including those for or against charter revision, and the host of issues that impact the desirability for constitutional amendment at this time. It will tackle particular issues such as economics, territory, form of government, judicial processes and local government autonomy, among others. The Law Center shall initiate an online information drive to make available to the public materials intended to sharpen the understanding of these issues, and empower the formulation of positions and making of decisions on the matter of constitutional amendments.

To be a part of the UP Law Center Constitutional Review Project, you may contact the IGLR through email at iglruplc@gmail.com or at telephone no. +632.920.5514 locals 202 or 203.


  • Post category:News
  • Post last modified:July 16, 2020