UP IHR co-hosts climate change summit

UP IHR co-hosts climate change summit

The University of the Philippines Institute of Human Rights (UP IHR) co-hosted on 12 October 2018 “Kwentuhang Klima: A Summit on Climate Change Adaptation” at the 1st Floor Conference Room, Bocobo Hall.

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The event, primarily hosted by the Climate Change Network of Community Based Initiatives , Inc., aimed to highlight the plight of marginalized sectors amid the worsening climate situation in the country. It.was attended by various local government units, agencies, the academe and church institutions

Atty. Michael Tiu, Jr., Law Reform Specialist at the UP IHR, delivered the opening remarks. He raised the importance of engaging the public in discussing climate change issues, and how the phenomenon affects specific human rights of members of vulnerable communities. He also later gave a presentation about how to use rights-based approach to climate justice.

The UP IHR is currently on the editing and publication stage of a research project on how human rights are affected by climate change and the energy policies of the government.


  • Post category:News
  • Post last modified:June 30, 2020