Public Forum on Human Rights Education in the Philippines

UP IHR conducts a Public Forum on Human Rights Education in the Philippines

The University of the Philippines Law Center Institute of Human Rights (UP IHR) led the Public Forum titled, “Human Rights Education (HRE) in the Philippines: Status, Challenges, and Future Directions” on 19 July 2024 at the UP Law Center, UP Diliman. The event aimed to map out the current state and ways forward for HRE in the country.

UP IHR Director Professor Elizabeth Aguiling-Pangalangan opened the forum by highlighting the pivotal role of the academe in human rights education (HRE) as evinced through UP IHR’s work. With particularity regarding the role of the academe as interpreter and translator of human rights principles, Professor Aguiling-Pangalangan drew parallel to the Institute’s development of a curriculum on Indigenous Peoples’ Law and the vernacularization of indigenous principles; and on the Institute’s published works on child’s rights and rights-based education that localize human rights principles as it suits and applies to the Philippine context.

During the public forum, Ms. Maricel Fernandez-Carag, College of St. Benilde’s Chairperson for Governance and Public Affairs Program, gave an overview of the current status of HRE in the country; Dr. Jerrick Gerard Go, Commission on Human Rights’ Offer-in-Charge of Human Righst Education and Promotion Office presented challenges and dilemmas confronted by HRE; Ms. Arizza Nocum, Founder of Kris For Peace Foundation, shared her insights and learnings in fostering peace through HRE; Atty. Juan Carlo Tejano of SALIGAN, highlighted the need to empower the marginalized sector through HRE while PREDA Foundation President, Francisco Bermido, Jr, President  shared the advantageous impacts of an HRE-based approach to governance and development in communities.

In the afternoon session, UP IHR’s University Researcher Atty. James Gregory Villasis, emphasized the urgency in integrating and mainstreaming HRE in legal education to ensure that law students and future lawyers were familiar and aware of social realities within their communities. In addition, Ms. Jessamine Pacis, Program Officer of Foundation for Media Alternatives, displayed the interconnectedness of human rights and emerging technologies and the need for the inclusion of HRE in the digital space and Former Kabataan Partylist Representative Ms. Sarah Jane Elago, demonstrated the crucial role of an empowered youth in effecting change through advocating for HRE.

In the program’s open forum, moderated by UP IHR’s Head Legal Officer Atty. Raymond Marvic Baguilat, issues on lack of government initiatives, and the need to raise awareness and develop HRE materials in formal and informal education

In his closing remarks, Atty. Daniel D. Lising, M.D., Senior Law Reform Specialist of the UP IHR, emphasized the importance of HRE in empowering rights-holders. As discussions highlighted the long journey ahead of fully integrating HRE in the current education system, Atty. Lising, MD, called for all participating organizations and institutions to continue in their work of transforming HRE beyond mere compliance towards becoming a cornerstone of education in the Philippines.

The event was attended by more than 180 participants, both online and onsite. The majority of the participants were students and educators all over the country. The forum is part of the HRE project of the UP IHR led by University Researcher Atty. James Villasis.

  • Post category:News
  • Post last modified:August 12, 2024