Profs. La Viña, Hilbay, and Gatmaytan on Deputy Ombudsman Carandang’s “unconstitutional” suspension

Profs. La Viña, Hilbay, and Gatmaytan on Deputy Ombudsman Carandang’s “unconstitutional” suspension

Three UP Law academics sought for their comments on the Rappler article “Carandang case: Impeachment for Morales or Duterte?” agree that the President’s suspension order against Deputy Ombudsman Melchor Arthur Carandang is an “unconstitutional act.”
Professors La Viña and Hilbay agree that Ombudsman Morales’ defiance of the order is simply the Ombudsman following the law.
For Constitutional Law professor Dan Gatmaytan: “Malacañang got exactly what they wanted, which was to create a controversy for the Supreme Court to rule on.”


  • Post category:Faculty Highlights
  • Post last modified:July 8, 2020