Assistant Professor

Theodore TE

Email: theodore.te@gmail.com

Institutional email: tote@up.edu.ph



Master of Laws, Columbia University in New York City

Bachelor of Laws, University of the Philippines

Bachelor of Arts (Psychology), University of the Philippines


Theodore Te is an Assistant Professor at the University of the Philippines. He is also a human rights lawyer and advocate for many human rights issues with the Free Legal Assistance Group (FLAG), the oldest human rights lawyers’ network in the country, which he joined after he passed the bar in 1991, and where he is currently the National Vice Chairperson for Luzon and Regional Coordinator for Metro Manila.

In the area of human rights, he has litigated, and continues to litigate, cases at all levels of the court system. He has presented oral arguments to the Philippine Court of Appeals and to the Philippine Supreme Court on many occasions, involving issues such as the constitutionality of the death penalty in the Philippines and the Anti-Terrorism Law of 2020.

He has represented journalists in libel and cyberlibel suits and continues to do so. He also conducts training for journalists to equip them against nuisance defamation suits as well as for NGOs and advocates against red- and terror-tagging. He has filed communications before international human rights bodies in representation of death row convicts, and has spoken in international and domestic fora on the abolition of capital punishment. It is among his chief advocacies, which also include freedom of expression and freedom of the press, the protection of civil and political rights, and abolition of criminal libel laws.

He has served as a consultant on tobacco control campaigns, including legislation on packaging and branding as well as for smoke-free environments. At present, he is a consultant of a movement advocating against plastic pollution.

As a legal academic, Asst. Professor Te has taught a broad range of subjects in almost three decades of academic life, including criminal law, civil and criminal procedure, evidence, special proceedings, special human rights writs (amparo, habeas data, and habeas corpus), labor law, and has pioneered electives on law and medicine (co-taught with Dr. Raquel Del-Rosario-Fortun of the UP College of Medicine), martial law jurisprudence (co-taught with Prof. Gwen G. De Vera), and international criminal law and the law on transnational crimes (on the Masters’ level).

He has been bar examiner thrice—for criminal law (2014), labor law (2015), and procedure (2021/22). At present, he heads the UP Law Clinical Legal Education Program (CLEP) and is concurrently the Director of the UP Office of Legal Aid and the clinic head of the Civil and Political Rights Clinic. He also teaches at the Ateneo Law School and has taught at the De La Salle University Tañada-Diokno School of Law. He is also Chair of the Humanitarian and Human Rights Law Department of the Philippine Judicial Academy (PHILJA) and is a member of its Academic Council and its Curriculum Review Committee. He sits on three technical working groups created by the Supreme Court for the review and revisions of the Rules of Court.

From 2013 to 2018, he was the Chief Public Information Officer of the Supreme Court of the Philippines, acting as its de facto communicator to the media and to the public.

He has written and lectured extensively on many aspects of human rights protection and defense and is a regular resource person for media on many issues of the day. He is also an active podcaster and an occasional columnist with an active social media presence on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.



“Legal Education in the Philippines: Confronting the Issues of Relevance and Responsiveness”, 63 Phil. L. J. (June 1988)

“State-Sponsored Orphaning and Widowing: Constitutional Arguments against the Death Penalty for Parricide”, 71 Phil. L. J.  No.  1, 1996);

“The Death Penalty in Comparative and International Law” (World Bulletin; Institute of International Legal Studies, University of the Philippines);

“Stare Indecisis: Some Reflections on Judicial Flip-Flopping In League Of Cities v. Comelec and Navarro v. Executive Secretary”, 85 Phil. L. J. 785 (2011)

Turning Miranda Right Side Up”, 87 Phil. L. J. 51 (2012)

Hints and Hues of Transitional Justice in the Philippines Over the Last Twenty-Five Years, in Defying the Impasse, Southeast Asian Human Rights Studies Network, pp. 136-157 (September 2013)

Stealing Justice with Air Quotes, 93 PHIL. L.J. 370 (2020).



Volume 1 (of 4 Volumes), Legal Reference in Capital Cases (Rape) (published by the Free Legal Assistance Group, with funding support from the Embassy of Australia in the Philippines)

Editorial Board Member, Torture Philippines (Law and Practice); published jointly by the UP Foundation for Integrative and Development Studies and the Free Legal Assistance Group;

Legal and Judicial Forms (digital book, published by CDAsia)

Project Coordinator and Editor, Not in our Name: The Story of the Abolition of the Death Penalty in the Philippines (published by the Free Legal Assistance Group with funding support from the New Zealand Embassy in the Philippines; written by Joan Z. Orendain, upon a grant extended by the Free Legal Assistance Group)


Criminal Law

Constitutional Law

Civil Procedure

Criminal Procedure


Special Proceedings

Private International Law

Labor Standards

Labor Relations

Criminal Law Review

Special Problems in Remedial Law (Human Rights Writs)

Law and Society (Martial Law Jurisprudence)

Law and Medicine


Free Legal Assistance Group (FLAG), National Vice Chairperson and Regional Coordinator for Metro Manila

Member, Experts Panel for Implementation of Art. 19 of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) on Liability

Chairperson, Department of International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law, Philippine Judicial Academy (Philja)

Member, Philja Curriculum Review Committee