(+632) 8 920 5514 loc 410
University of the Philippines, Bachelor of Arts cum laude in Political Science (1978)
University of the Philippines, Bachelor of Law (1983)
Harvard University, Master of Laws (1986)
Diplôme, The Hague Academy of International Law (1987)
Harvard University, Doctor of Juridical Science (1990)
Professor Pangalangan specializes in Public International Law and Constitutional Law. He is a former Judge at the International Criminal Court (ICC), The Hague, The Netherlands, where he presided over the first ICC case on the war crime of attacking cultural and religious heritage. He has sat in landmark cases involving child soldiers, forced marriages, and sexual slavery. He recently chaired the ILO Commission of Inquiry on Myanmar. He is currently a Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington D.C.
He is a Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (The Hague) and Chair of the Philippine National Group at the PCA. He is an Associate Member of the Institut de Droit International. He is currently sits in the Administrative Tribunals of both the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank.
Professor Pangalangan received his A.B. cum laude (1978) and LL.B. (1983) from the University of the Philippines, and his LL.M. (1986) and S.J.D. (1990) from the Harvard Law School, where he won the Laylin Prize for best paper in public international law for his LL.M. thesis and the Sumner Prize for best thesis on issues relating to international peace for his S.J.D. dissertation. He received the Diplôme of The Hague Academy of International Law in 1987.
He has held visiting appointments at the Harvard Law School (2007 and 1998), Hong Kong University (2008), and Melbourne University (2009 and 2005). He has lectured at The Hague Academy of International Law (2008), where he had earlier served as Director of Studies (2000). He has also lectured inter alia at the Irish Centre for Human Rights (2003); Japan Society of International Law (2002); Thessaloniki Institute of International Public Law (2001); Salzburg Seminar on International Criminal Law, Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law (2007 and 2018); the International Nuremberg Principles Academy (2017); and the Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights (2018).
He is Co-Chair of the Editorial Board of the Asian Journal of International Law and the Editor-in-Chief of the Philippine Yearbook of International Law. He serves or has served in the governing councils of the Asian Society of International Law, the International Association of Constitutional Law, and the Philippine Society of International Law.
The Inquisitorial/ Adversarial Divide and Its Specific Context at the ICC, in The International Criminal Court in Its Third Decade: Reflecting on Law and Practices (Carsten Stahn, ed.) (BRILL Nijhoff, Leiden/Boston, 2023).
International Law Responses in Ukraine: Robust But Not Universal—The Asian Deficit in International Criminal Justice , in Global Impact of the Ukraine Conflict: Perspectives from International Law (Shuichi Furuya, Hitomi Takemura, Kuniko Ozaki, eds.) (Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., 2023)
Book Review. Yuji Iwasawa, Domestic Application of International Law: Focusing on Direct Applicability (Brill Nijhoff, 2023), in 27 Asian Yearbook of International Law 333 (2022), Brill Nijhoff (Leiden/Boston).
Judicial Review at the Asian Development Bank Administrative Tribunal, 12 Asian J. of International Law 248 (2022).
The International Criminal Court and the Burdens of Non-Traditional Expectations, 55 Gonzaga Law Review 237 (2020).
Contributions to International Humanitarian Law in the Philippines and Beyond: Interview with His Excellency Judge Raul C. Pangalangan, in T. McCormack and S. Linton, Asia-Pacific Perspectives on International Humanitarian Law (Cambridge University Press, 2019).
Victims and their Claim to Justice: Challenges to Reparations in International Criminal Law, 89 Revue Internationale de Droit Pénal 89-102 (2018), in Van den Wyngaert, Schabbas and Vermeulen (eds.), International and Transitional Criminal Justice and Human Rights: Essays in Memory of M. Cherif Bassiouni (1937-2017)
Judicializing International Law: Challenges to International Criminal Justice, 16 Phil YB of Int Law 34-45 (2017).
The Domestic Implementation of the International Right to Health: The Philippine Experience, in Advancing the Human Right to Health (Zuniga JM, Marks SP, Gostin LO, eds.) (Oxford University Press, 2013).
Article 24, Non-Retroactivity Ratione Personae, in Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Observers’ Notes (Otto Trifterer, ed.) (Verlag C.H. Beck and Hart Publishing, 3nd ed., 2008) at 735.
Constraints on Judicial Review of Managerial Discretion: Substantive and Procedural, in Problems of International Administrative Law (Nassib G. Ziadé, ed.) (Martinus Nijhoff, 2008)
International Humanitarian Law and the International Criminal Court: Cases and Materials from Asia, in XXXII Thesaurus Acroasium: The New International Criminal Law: 587-632 (Athens, 2003).
Sweatshops and International Labor Standards: Globalizing Markets, Localizing Norms, in Globalization and Human Rights (A. Brysk, ed.) (University of California, 2002).
Pushing Back the Limitations of Territorial Boundaries (co-author, with R. MacCorquodale), 12 European J. of Int’l L 867-888 (2001).
Territorial Sovereignty: Command, Title and the Expanding Claims of the Commons in Boundaries and Justice: Diverse Ethical Perspectives (D. Miller and S. Hashmi, eds., Princeton University Press, 2001)
The Asian Development Bank Administrative Tribunal: Constitutive Instruments and Case-Law, 7 Asian YB of Int’l L. 209-228 (2001) (Cambridge).
On Böckenförde’s “A Christian in the Office of Constitutional Judge”, 37(3) Journal of Law and Religion 541 (2020) (Oxford).
The Philippines’ post-Marcos judiciary: the institutional turn in a populist democracy, in Asian Courts in Context (Jiunn-rong Yeh and Wen-Chen Chang, eds.) (Cambridge, January 2015)
Philippine Chapter, in Keeping the Faith: A Study of Freedom of Thought, Conscience, and Religion in ASEAN 362-414 (David Cohen and Kevin Tan, eds.), Human Rights Resource Centre (HRRC), University of Indonesia (Jakarta, 2015)
Philippine Constitutional Law 2001-2010: Majoritarian Courts and Elite Politics, in Major Constitutional Developments in Asia in the First Decade of the 21st Century (Chen, ed.) (Cambridge, 2014).
Transplanted Constitutionalism: The Philippine Debate on the Secular State and the Rule of Law, in Public Law in East Asia (Chen and Ginsburg, eds.) (Ashgate) (2013).
Political Emergencies in the Philippines: Changing Labels and the Unchanging Need for Legitimacy, in Emergency Powers in Asia (Ramraj and Thiruvengadam, eds.) (Cambridge University Press, 2010).
Human rights discourse in post-Marcos Philippines: from substance to procedure, in Human Rights in Asia (Brian Galligan and Thomas Davis, eds.) (Edward Elgar Publishing, Melbourne 2011).
The Philippines’ Sandiganbayan: Anti-graft courts and the illusion of self-contained anti-corruption regimes, in New Courts in Asia (Andrew Harding & Penelope Nicholson eds.) (Routledge, 2010).
Government by Judiciary in the Philippines: Ideological and Doctrinal Framework, in Administrative Law and Governance in Asia: Comparative Perspectives (Tom Ginsburg and Albert H.Y. Chen, eds.) (Routledge, 2009).
“Anointing Power with Piety”: People Power, Democracy and the Rule of Law, in Law and Newly Restored Democracies: The Philippines Experience in Restoring Political Participation and Accountability (Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO), 2002)
Constitutional Law
Public International Law
Legal Method
Legal Theory
Supervised Legal Research
Human Rights
Problems in Philosophy of Law