(+632) 8 920 5514 loc 420
University of the Philippines, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (1987)
University of the Philippines, Bachelor of Law (1991)
Dalhousie University, Masters in Marine Management (1997)
Dalhousie University, Doctor of Juridical Science (2010)
Jay L Batongbacal is a lawyer with degrees in Political Science and Law from the University of the Philippines, as well as Master of Marine Management and Doctor in the Science of Law, both from Dalhousie University (Canada). At present, he is a full Professor at the University of the Philippines College of Law and serves as Director of the Institute for Maritime Affairs and Law of the Sea of the U.P. Law Center. He has worked extensively on maritime affairs since 1997, carrying out research, consultancy work, and teaching, with numerous national and international publications to his credit. Dr. Batongbacal was legal advisor to the Philippine delegation that successfully pursued the Philippines’ claim to a continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles in the Benham Rise Region before the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and the successful application before the International Maritime Organization for the designation of the Tubbataha Reef Natural Park Particularly Sensitive Sea Area. He has been included among the UNESCO/IOC List of Experts for UNCLOS Annex VIII Special Arbitration on Marine Scientific Research. In 2022, Dr. Batongbacal completed a Taiwan Fellowship Program at the National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei, Taiwan and a Fulbright Advanced Research and Lecturing Fellowship at the US Naval War College in Rhode Island, USA. He has since returned to continue teaching basic courses in Obligations & Contracts and Property Law, and is conducting “experimental game-based learning” with two elective courses, The Law of the Sea and Natural Resources Law.
Author, Environmental Degradation: The Dumping of Pollution as a Transnational Crime, in ROUTLEDGE HANDBOOK OF TRANSNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW at 297-311 (Neil Boister & Robert Currie eds., 2015).
Author, Extended Continental Shelf in the South China Sea: Delimitation Prospects and Challenges, in POWER, LAW, AND MARITIME ORDER IN THE SOUTH CHINA SEA (Tran Truong Thuy & Le Thuy Trang eds., 2015).
Author, The Philippine National Marine Policy, in ROUTLEDGE HANDBOOK ON NATIONAL AND REGIONAL OCEAN POLICY at 416-44 (Biliana Cicin-Sain, David VanderZwaag, & Miriam Balgos eds., 2015).
Author, EDCA and the West Philippine Sea (2014), http://www.rappler.com/thought-leaders/77823-edca-west-philippine-sea-america.
Author, The 2012 Scarborough Shoal Stand-off: A Philippine Perspective, 10 Chinese Studies J. at 60-131 (2013).
Co-Author, The West Philippine Sea: Philippine territorial and maritime jurisdiction disputes from a Filipino perspective (2013), available at http://philippinesintheworld.org/?q=node/2281.
Author, Batas, Katarungan, at Kalikasan: Isang Kritikal na Pagmuni sa Ekolohiya at Lipunan, 7 Social Science Diliman No. 1 at 82-98 (2010).
Author, The Law of the Sea, Marine Technology, and Global Social Justice, in THE FUTURE OF OCEAN REGIME BUILDING: ESSAYS IN TRIBUTE TO DOUGLAS M. JOHNSTON at 105-31 (Aldo Chircop, Ted McDorman, & Susan Rolston eds., 2009).
Author, Baselines and the Future of the Philippines. Philippine Maritime Territories and Jurisdictions Part I: Why the Law of the Sea is So Critical for the Philippines, Asia Pac. Pol’y Bulletin No. 1 (2008)
Author, Baselines and the Future of the Philippines. Philippine Maritime Territories and Jurisdictions Part II: The Kalayaan Islands and the JSMU: Exploring the Legal Issues, Asia Pac. Pol’y Bulletin No. 2 (2008).
Author, Baselines and the Future of the Philippines. Philippine Maritime Territories and Jurisdictions Part III: Baselines and the Future of the Philippines, Asia Pac. Pol’y Bulletin No. 3 (2008).
Author, EIA as the Start of a Social Bargaining Process: The Malampaya Deepwater Gas to Power Project, in GOVERNANCE FOR SUSTAINABILITY: ISSUES, CHALLENGES AND SUCCESSES, 71-81 (Klaus Bosselmann, Ron Engel & Prue Taylor eds., 2008).
Author, Public Engagement and Local Benefit Sharing in the Northwind Bangui Bay Project, Philippines, in GOVERNANCE FOR SUSTAINABILITY: ISSUES, CHALLENGES AND SUCCESSES, 83-91 (Klaus Bosselmann, Ron Engel & Prue Taylor eds., 2008).
Author, Delineation and Delimitation of Sub-national Maritime Boundaries: Insights from the Philippines, 20 Ocean Yearbook 1 at 41-77 (2006).
Clinical Legal Education
Criminal Procedure
Law of the Sea
Legal Method
Legal Theory
Natural Resources
Obligations and Contracts
Public International Law
Supervised Legal Research