Intermediate Zones of Privacy in Social Media

Intermediate Zones of Privacy in Social Media

Dean Raul C. Pangalangan delivered the Enrique O. Chan Professorial Chair in Law Lecture entitled “Intermediate Zones of Privacy in Social Media.” In his lecture, Dean Pangalangan applied the concepts of the right to be let alone, right to be forgotten, informational privacy, and decisional privacy to Social Media, Google, and Mobile Phone data. He also discussed instances when citizens become “involuntary public figures”, and how the blurred distinction between public and private makes citizens vulnerable to defamation by abusive netizens. The lecture was held last 09 September 2015, 9:00 A.M., at the Ambion Room, 1/F Malcolm Hall, U.P. College of Law, Diliman, Quezon City.


  • Post category:Faculty Highlights
  • Post last modified:July 16, 2020