Fake news is a ‘calamity’ in the marketplace of information

Fake news is a ‘calamity’ in the marketplace of information

Fake news is a ‘calamity’ in the marketplace of information.” – Florin T. Hilbay

Professor Florin Hilbay who teaches Constitutional Law at the College advocates for a public institution whose sole task will be to identify and publicize government dishonesty, to be formed outside the purview of the appointing power of the President. His expert opinion as Law Teacher and former SolGen, was sought by Senator Grace Poe, Chair of the Senate Committee Hearing on ‘fake news’ when she invited him to give direction to the ongoing discussions.

A fuller account of his proposal can be accessed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxfWT7ID-ug

Subsequent to his participation in the Senate Hearing Professor Hilbay was interviewed on ANC’s program “Beyond Politics” in which he further expounds on his position that the ‘fake news’ pervaded by public officials reduces the “value of truth” in the public mind.

The full interview may be accessed at http://news.abs-cbn.com/focus/10/10/17/ex-solgen-wants-independent-body-to-probe-public-officials-who-spread-fake-news


  • Post category:Faculty Highlights
  • Post last modified:July 16, 2020