Conversations with Robert Swift

Conversations with Robert Swift

UP IHR hosts talk with martial law victims lead counsel The University of the Philippines Law Center – Institute of Human Rights (UP IHR) and the Commmission in Human Rights(CHR) hosted on 9 July 2019 a public talk for the lead counsel of a successful class suit of Martial Law victims against the Marcoses. Titled “Conversations with Robert Swift,” the event was held at the Lecture Room of Bocobo Hall. Swift is an American lawyer who first led around 6,000 martial law victims-survivors in winning the class suit against the estate of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos. In the event, he detailed the long history and legal strategies of the civil litigation which started in 1986 and ended in triumph in 1995 at a Hawaii court. Also present to talk about the difficulties in enforcing the Hawaii judgement through Philippine courts was former CHR Chair Loretta Ann P. Rosales. UP IHR Director Elizabeth Aguiling-Pangalangan delivered the welcome remarks while CHR Commissioner Karen Dumpit closed the forum. Law Reform Specialist Atty. Daniel D. Lising moderated the event which ensured a robust exchange with the audience comprising mainly of victims and their families.


  • Post category:News
  • Post last modified:June 30, 2020