Ang Atin ay Atin: Message of independence asserted during Prof. Hilbay’s talk on the West Philippine Sea

Ang Atin ay Atin: Message of independence asserted during Prof. Hilbay’s talk on the West Philippine Sea

“Ang Atin Ay Atin”


Malcolm Hall played host to Vice President Leni Robredo and Professor Hilbay who, in a pre-Independence Day event, spoke before a gathering of the Kaya Natin Movement and UP Law constituents, on 11 June 2018.Constitutional Law Professor and former Solicitor General Florin Hilbay gave a two-hour talk on the “West Philippine Sea: Issues and Policy,” explaining the Philippines vs China case argued before the Hague Tribunal, the implications of the decision in favor of the Philippines, and raised concerns on how this may be frittered away by the present administration in its dealings with China. He warned that “if China successfully solidifies its presence within the 9-dash-line effectively, the Philippines will lose control over its EEZ and to an area larger than the land area of our country.” Professor Hilbay was the Agent representing the Philippines before the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague.


Vice President Robredo, for her part brought to the fore the plight of Filipino fishermen from Bajo de Masinloc, who have recently been harassed by the Chinese Coastguard, in their traditional fishing grounds well within the Philippine EEZ. Citing the Tribunal’s declaration in favor of the Philippines, she urged the public to safeguard it as: “What is ours, remains ours”


  • Post category:Faculty Highlights
  • Post last modified:July 3, 2020