Prof. Batongbacal: “Submissiveness as a Foreign Policy Strategy?”

Prof. Batongbacal: “Submissiveness as a Foreign Policy Strategy?”

“Submissiveness as a Foreign Policy Strategy?”

Writing on the President’s intent to unilaterally announce Scarborough Shoal as a marine sanctuary, Prof. Jay Batongbacal said that such a move may seem like a solution beneficial to both Philippines and China; rather, it entails serious risks when executed prematurely compared to a negotiated agreement with clear terms and conditions.

Citing how the status will limit fishing activities to outside the reef, Prof. Batongbacal said: “It actually favors China more than the Philippines, since it can result in a marked reduction, rather than full recovery, of Philippine access to the shoal. China could just as easily accept the Philippine move and not act in return, because they derive the benefit anyway.”

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  • Post category:Faculty Highlights
  • Post last modified:July 16, 2020