This Information Bulletin is for applicants planning to take the UP Law Aptitude Examination (LAE)

For LAE 2021 Examinees:
Download and Read the Exam Manual

The Law Aptitude Exam for 2021 will be delivered online through ExamSoft, a secure testing solution used for administering exams. You will be required to install Examplify, an application used to download and take exams. Examplify will allow you to securely take examinations offline on a Mac or Windows computer (desktop or laptop), blocking access to files, programs, and the internet during your exam. You will be asked to download an encrypted exam file prior to the exam day, be provided with a secure password to access the exam at the scheduled exam time, and upload your answers after the exam.

Prior to the exam, ExamID will take your picture to compare to your baseline image (captured during the Mock Exam) in order to proceed with the exam. 

Access to the internet is only required to download and upload the exam. You can take the exam without a continuous network connection. Examplify will verify your student ID prior to starting the exam and an automated proctoring system, ExamMonitor, will observe students during the exam using video and audio monitoring.

All LAE examinees are expected to read and understand this manual before contacting Support and taking the exam. 

Please take note of the following important events:

  1. After publication of the list of those who are qualified to take the LAE (, you will be enrolled in a new Moodle class called “UP LAE 2021”. Once enrolled in that class, you will be issued an ExamSoft account.
  2. Once Examplify is installed on your computer, login using your ExamSoft account to download the exam file. You may open the exam file and take the exam through a password which will be published in the UP LAE 2021 Moodle class (as well as the UP College of Law’s website and social media accounts) at least 15 minutes before the exam schedule. 
  3. There will be two required exams:
    1. A Mock Exam on May 02, 2021 – this will not be graded, but is required in order to test your ability to take the exam. 
    2. The 2021 LAE on May 16, 2021 – this will be graded and will form part of the basis for determining admission to the UP College of Law.

Taking the Mock Exam is MANDATORY and failure to take it will disqualify your from taking the 2021 LAE.

  1. Exam-takers will complete both exams offline with audio and video being recorded for purposes of ensuring integrity of the exam results.
  2. After an exam is submitted, the exam-taker’s encrypted answer file is uploaded along with encrypted audio/video to a secure server. The audio/video file will be processed by an A.I. tool that will flag potential anomalies. Human proctors will review these potential anomalies. 
  3. The final list of those who passed the LAE (as well as further requirements, if any) shall be published in the U.P. College of Law website and its social media accounts. Monitor regularly for updates. 

Frequently Asked Questions – LAE

The LAE consists of objective tests designed to measure certain abilities and skills necessary for the study of law at the U.P. College of Law.

The test subjects include Communication Skills, Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary, Critical Thinking, and Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning.

Passing the LAE or its equivalent admission process is a requirement for admission to the U.P. College of Law. Applicants will be assessed for admissions on the basis of both the LAE results and their academic results.

When is the LAE for Academic Year 2021-2022?

Please take note of the following important dates

Mock LAE: 02 May 2021, Sunday, 9:00 a.m.
16 May 2021, Sunday, 9:00 a.m.

Who are qualified to take the LAE?

Click here to download the List of Qualified Applicants for the LAE 2021.

When can I register for LAE?

Please watch out for further announcements on the opening of the LAE registration website

When is the deadline for registration for LAE?

The deadline for registration for LAE 2021 is on 15 February 2021.

Who can take the LAE?

1. Applicants are required to have finished or is finishing a 4-year bachelor’s degree in the arts or sciences from a Commission on Higher Education (CHED) recognized college or university with any of the following subjects as major or field of concentration:

Political Science





A bachelor’s degree holder in a field other than those mentioned above must have earned the following minimum number of units:


12 Units

History or Economics

9 Units

Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology

9 Units

Rizal Course

3 Units

What are the requirements to register for the LAE?

1. Applicants must register and complete the application online at

2. Proof of graduation or senior standing in a Bachelor’s degree course:


  • Official Transcript of Records (OTR)
  • General Weighted Average (GWA) as computed and certified by the school registrar


  • Certification from the school registrar that the applicant is a candidate for graduation for the current school year
  • Latest Official Transcript of Records (OTR)
  • General Weighted Average (GWA) as computed and certified by the school registrar
  • Copy of the curriculum of the course the applicant is graduating in.

(N.B. For enrollment in the U.P. College of Law, a successful applicant must already be a baccalaureate degree holder.)


  • Certification of good standing The certification must include the fact that the applicant is not disqualified by any reason to re-enroll in the said school the next school year.
  • Official Transcript of Records (OTR)

The LAE registration website will transcode your GWA from your school’s grading system into a score that conforms with the University of the Philippines standard. If the LAE registration website does not recognize your school’s grading system, please ensure that either 1) the Official Transcript of Records already contains the grading system used by the school; or 2) a Certificate of grading system used is included in the Official Transcript of Records that you upload.

3. ID picture (2”x2”) with white background. Accepted image formats are .jpg, .jpeg and .png

4. Proof of payment of the non-refundable testing fee, which will be made upon receipt of the Order of Payment and which will be needed to complete your registration:

  • Landbank validated deposit slip with applicant’s name
  • For applicants who want to seek exemption from payment of the testing fee, the latest original or duly certified Income Tax Return or a Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) certification that the taxpayer is exempted from filing a tax return
  • For applicants who want to seek exemption from payment of the testing fee, the latest original or duly certified Income Tax Return or a Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) certification that the taxpayer is exempted from filing a tax return

The U.P. College of Law extends financial assistance based on need. We can waive the payment of the testing fee and provide scholarships to deserving students.

5. Other requirements as may be imposed by the Admissions Committee.

How much is the testing fee for LAE registration?

A fee of One Thousand Pesos (PhP 1,000.00) will be paid by those who will qualify for the online preparatory course. Those who will qualify to take the LAE will be required to pay One Thousand Pesos (PhP 1,000.00).

Please note that, due to the current work-from-home arrangement in the College of Law, all payments of the One Thousand Pesos (PhP 1,000.00) LAE fee are requested to be made BY BANK DEPOSIT ONLY. Deposit can be made to any Landbank of the Philippines branch or through online bank transfer. 

The account details are as follows:

Bank: Landbank of the Philippines
Account Name: UPD Revolving Fund
Account Number: 3072-1006-96
Deadline for payment is on 10 May 2021. 

Please upload a copy of your deposit slip or proof of online bank transfer to your LAE account and email the same to Thank you.

Where can I pay the test fee?

The test fee can be paid in any Landbank branch or online.

  • Landbank account details:Account name: UPD Revolving FundAccount number: 3072-1006-96
  • Landbank validated deposit slip with applicant’s name (write the name on the deposit slip)
  • Proof of online bank transfer

What are the tests in LAE?

The test subjects in LAE include Communication Skills, Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary, Critical Thinking, and Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning.

What file/s should I upload as proof of graduation?


  • Official Transcript of Records (OTR)
  • General Weighted Average (GWA) as computed and certified by the school registrar


  • Certification from the school registrar that the applicant is a candidate for graduation for the current school year
  • Latest Official Transcript of Records (OTR)
  • General Weighted Average (GWA) as computed and certified by the school registrar
  • Copy of the curriculum of the course the applicant is graduating in.
    (N.B. For enrollment in the U.P. College of Law, a successful applicant must already be a baccalaureate degree holder.)


  • Certification of good standing
    The certification must include the fact that the applicant is not disqualified by any reason to re-enroll in the said school the next school year.
  • Official Transcript of Records (OTR)
    If your GWA is already included in your Official Transcript of Records, you may upload the page of your Official Transcript of Records where your GWA is indicated as Proof of Graduation and/or Certificate of GWA to comply with the requirements in the online registration.

What do I submit if my GWA is already included on my OTR/proof of graduation?

You may upload the page of your Transcript of Records where your GWA is indicated as Proof of Graduation and/or Certificate of GWA to comply with the requirements in online registration.

What are the requirements on the test day?

In case of examinations in person, the applicant will need to bring the following on the test day:

  1. Test Permit – generated online after successful application and verification
  2. Two (2) lead pencils
  3. Valid Identification card (Photo bearing school ID, Employee’s Photo ID, Driver’s License, Passport or photo bearing certification from school registrar or employer)

Is PHILSAT required for admissions to UP College of Law?

The requirement of the Legal Education Board (LEB) for law school applicants to take the Philippine Law Schools Admission Test (PHILSAT) does not apply to applicants to the UP College of Law.

Can a qualified application for admission be allowed to defer admission to another year?

An applicant who qualifies for admission must enroll for the Academic Year 2021-2022, and will not be allowed to defer admission to another year, or to file an application for a leave of absence in the first year of AY 2021-2022.

Grounds for disqualification

The following are grounds for disqualification/disapproval of an application for admission:

(a) Concealment, misinterpretation or falsification of any material fact throughout the application process;

(b) Intentional submission of incorrect documents, falsified documents, or non-submission of the required documents;

(c) Serious misconduct resulting in disciplinary action (suspension/expulsion and at anytime of the proceeding) in any of the schools attended;

(d) Disqualification for academic reasons in this or in another law school, including probation status;

(e) Conviction of an offense involving moral turpitude.


Frequently Asked Questions – LAE

The LAE consists of objective tests designed to measure certain abilities and skills necessary for the study of law at the U.P. College of Law.

The test subjects include Communication Skills, Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary, Critical Thinking, and Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning.

Passing the LAE is a requirement for admission to the U.P. College of Law. Applicants will be assessed for admissions on the basis of both the LAE results and their academic results.

When is the LAE for Academic Year 2025-2026?

  • LAE will be administered online on 30 March 2025, Sunday.
  • Deadline for online LAE applications is on 28 February 2025, Friday.
  • Deadline for grades and other document submissions is on 21 March 2025, Friday.
  • Technical Assessment of applicants’ test devices and internet connection is on Sunday, 9 March 2025.

When can I register for LAE?

LAE registration website is now open.

When is the deadline for registration for LAE?

The deadline for applications is on 28 February 2025, Friday. Deadline for grades and other document submissions is on 21 March 2025, Friday.

Who can take the LAE?

  1. Applicants are required to have finished or is finishing a 4-year bachelor’s degree in the arts or sciences from a Commission on Higher Education (CHED) recognized college or university with any of the following subjects as major or field of concentration:
    • Political Science
    • Philosophy
    • English
    • Economics
    • History

    A bachelor’s degree holder in a field other than those mentioned above must have earned the following minimum number of units:

    English12 Units
    History or Economics9 Units
    Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology9 Units
    Rizal Course3 Units

What are the requirements to register for the LAE?

  1. Applicants must register and complete the application online at
  2. Proof of graduation or senior standing in a Bachelor’s degree course:


    • Official Transcript of Records (OTR)
    • General Weighted Average (GWA) as computed and certified by the school registrar


    • Certification from the school registrar that the applicant is a candidate for graduation for the current school year
    • Latest Official Transcript of Records (OTR)
    • General Weighted Average (GWA) as computed and certified by the school registrar
    • Copy of the curriculum of the course the applicant is graduating in.

    The LAE registration website will transcode your GWA from your school’s grading system into a score that conforms with the University of the Philippines standard. If the LAE registration website does not recognize your school’s grading system, please ensure that either 1) the Official Transcript of Records already contains the grading system used by the school; or 2) a Certificate of grading system used is included in the Official Transcript of Records that you upload.

    (N.B. For enrollment in the U.P. College of Law, a successful applicant must already be a baccalaureate degree holder.)


    • Certified True Copy of Grades from the law school
    • Certification of good standing – The certification must include the fact that the applicant is not disqualified by any reason to re-enroll in the said school the next school year
    • Official Transcript of Records (OTR)
    • General Weighted Average (GWA) for the bachelor’s degree as computed and certified by the school registrar, if not included in the OTR
    • NOTE: Applicants who were previously or are currently enrolled in another law school must not have obtained a failing grade in any of the subjects taken while in law school
  3. ID picture (2”x2”) with white background. Accepted image formats are .jpg, .jpeg and .png
  4. Proof of payment of testing fee, which will be made ONLY UPON RECEIPT OF THE ORDER OF PAYMENT; this will be needed to complete your registration:
    • Landbank validated deposit slip with applicant’s name; or
    • Proof of online bank transfer

     Please note that the testing fee is non-refundable.

    For applicants who want to seek exemption from payment of the testing fee, the latest original or duly certified Income Tax Return or a Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) certification that the taxpayer is exempted from filing a tax return

    The U.P. College of Law extends financial assistance based on need. We can waive the payment of the testing fee and provide scholarships to deserving students.

  5. Other requirements as may be imposed by the Admissions Committee.

How much is the testing fee for LAE registration?

The test fee is Php1,500.00.

Where can I pay the test fee?

Applicants may pay onsite or online.

Onsite payment:

Collection and Disbursement Section (CDS)
Room 111, 1st Floor Bocobo Hall (UP Law Center)
F. Agoncillo corner Magsaysay Avenue,
UP Diliman, Quezon City

Applicants who choose to pay online may do so by following the instructions in their LAE account which will be issued after verification of their application.

What do I need to take the online LAE?

You will need a device to take the Technical Assessment and LAE proper. Device specifications and requirements will be posted in the LAE portal.

What are the tests in LAE?

The test subjects in LAE include Communication Skills, Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary, Critical Thinking, and Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning.

What file/s should I upload as proof of graduation?


  • Official Transcript of Records (OTR)
  • General Weighted Average (GWA) as computed and certified by the school registrar


  • Certification from the school registrar that the applicant is a candidate for graduation for the current school year
  • Latest Official Transcript of Records (OTR)
  • General Weighted Average (GWA) as computed and certified by the school registrar
  • Copy of the curriculum of the course the applicant is graduating in.

(N.B. For enrollment in the U.P. College of Law, a successful applicant must already be a baccalaureate degree holder.)


  • Certification of good standing
    NOTE: the applicant must not have obtained a failing grade in any of the subjects taken while in law school

The certification must include the fact that the applicant is not disqualified by any reason to re-enroll in the said school the next school year.

  • Official Transcript of Records (OTR)

What do I submit if my GWA is already included on my OTR/proof of graduation?

You may upload the page of your Transcript of Records where your GWA is indicated as Proof of Graduation and/or Certificate of GWA to comply with the requirements of online registration. Otherwise, you need to submit a Certificate of GWA.

Can a qualified application for admission be allowed to defer admission to another year?

An applicant who qualifies for admission must enroll for the Academic Year 2024-2025, and will not be allowed to defer admission to another year, or to file an application for a leave of absence in the first year of AY 2025-2026.

Grounds for disqualification

The following are grounds for disqualification/disapproval of an application for admission, or grounds for dismissal from the rolls in case admitted to the College and able to enroll therein:

(a) Concealment, misinterpretation or falsification of any material fact throughout the application process;

(b) Intentional submission of incorrect documents, falsified documents, or non-submission of the required documents;

(c) Serious misconduct resulting in disciplinary action (suspension/expulsion and at anytime of the proceeding) in any of the schools attended;

(d) Disqualification for academic reasons in this or in another law school, including probation status;

(e) Conviction of an offense involving moral turpitude.



Following the extended period for verification and payment, the Pre-LAE Test (known last year as the Prep Course) will be open from March 24 to 28, 2021. The Pre-LAE Test results, along with other information submitted in your application (including the GWA) will be considered in determining eligibility to take the LAE. Login credentials to the Pre-LAE will be sent via email (to the address provided in the application) within 2-3 days of verification of your payment.

The preparatory course will be followed by the Law Aptitude Examination (LAE) and an interview, both to be administered online. The Admissions Committee reserves the right to make a second cut of the applicants prior to the LAE as the results of their performance in the prep course may warrant.

The cost of the application, availability of logistical support and scholarships, and other details are available at the LAE Frequently Asked Questions Page.

Please take note of the following important dates:

Deadline for Applications: CLOSED
Online Course: CLOSED
Mock LAE: 02 May 2021, Sunday, 9:00 a.m.
16 May 2021, Sunday, 9:00 a.m.

While waiting for the LAE registration to open, you may already want to start preparing your documents for submission during the application period.

1. Applicants to the program leading to Juris Doctor (J.D.) are required to have satisfactorily completed in an authorized university or college a bachelor’s degree in arts or science with any of the following subjects as major or field of concentration:

Political Science





A bachelor’s degree holder in a field other than those mentioned above must have earned the following minimum number of units:


12 Units

History or Economics

9 Units

Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology

9 Units

Rizal Course

3 Units

2. Proof of graduation or senior standing in a Bachelor’s degree course:


  • Official Transcript of Records (OTR)
  • General Weighted Average (GWA) as computed and certified by the school registrar


  • Certification from the school registrar that the applicant is a candidate for graduation for the current school year
  • Latest Official Transcript of Records (OTR)
  • General Weighted Average (GWA) as computed and certified by the school registrar
  • Copy of the curriculum of the course the applicant is graduating in.

(N.B. For enrollment in the UP College of Law, a successful applicant must already be a baccalaureate degree holder.)


  • Certification of good standing The certification must include the fact that the applicant is not disqualified by any reason to re-enroll in the said school the next school year.
  • Official Transcript of Records (OTR)

If your GWA is already included in your Official Transcript of Records, you may upload the page of your Official Transcript of Records where your GWA is indicated as Proof of Graduation and/or Certificate of GWA to comply with the requirements in the online registration. 

The LAE registration website will transcode your GWA from your school’s grading system into a score that conforms with the University of the Philippines standard. If the LAE registration website does not recognize your school’s grading system, please ensure that either 1) the Official Transcript of Records already contains the grading system used by the school; or 2) a Certificate of grading system used is included in the Official Transcript of Records that you upload.

3. ID picture (2” x 2”) with white background. Accepted image formats are .jpg, .jpeg and .png

4. Proof of payment of testing fee, which will be made upon receipt of the Order of Payment and which will be needed to complete your registration:

  • Landbank validated deposit slip with applicant’s name
  • Official receipt from University of the Philippines with applicant’s name
  • For applicants who want to seek exemption from payment of the testing fee, the latest original or duly certified Income Tax Return or a Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) certification that the taxpayer is exempted from filing a tax return

The UP College of Law extends financial assistance based on need. We can waive the payment of the testing fee and provide scholarships to deserving students.

Admission to the UP College of Law is highly competitive and based solely on merit. With limited slots available in each incoming class, UP Law has a selective admission process. We take into consideration a holistic set of factors in determining admission.  In addition to your LAE results and GWA, UP Law can consider other information in your application form, an in-person interview, and ask for other requirements as may be deemed necessary.

No appeals regarding the final list of applicants qualified for admission shall be entertained. 


Please read the LAE Data Privacy Notice for your guidance. 

Contact Information

College Secretary, UP College of Law
Phone: (+632) 8 920 5514 loc. 103


The UP College of Law administers its annual Law Aptitude Examination (LAE) as part of its application process. Registering for the LAE can only be completed online. You will be redirected to a separate website to ensure secure data management.